This week’s Friday release from Forge World is one nasty Space Marines Super-heavy: the Glaive, described as a ”Super-heavy Special Weapons Tank is a variant of the Fellblade“.
I briefly pinned a picture of the Glaive on
The more I look at it however, the more I come around to doing a short blog post on it. I really like the look of this thing, the sort-of-sci-fi, sort-of-ray-gun weapon, deliciously oversized, on this massive Space Marine tank really makes for a great-looking model.
Forge World at its best! Surely not the worst miniature to test-drive the forthcoming new Warhammer 40K Apocalypse, which (presumably) will be unveiled in the next week or two.
Pictures of the Glaive Super Heavy Tank
And, last but not least, the unpainted version!
Let me know what you think of this beast!
Oh.. and before I forget.. take a peek at the Glaive test-rules from Forge World.