From the Inbox: 500 Point Army List with Pathfinders – Revised

Tau Fire Warrior

Alright, the list I posted yesterday did not work. Shows me for assuming things about a supplement I don’t own! Many thanks to everyone pointing out the flaws.


I was reading your article: and love the idea you’re giving suggestions.

However I blindly bought a random Tau set, the Pathfinder team, and was wondering how you would build a 500 pt starter army incorporating them…

#1 – A 500 Pts. Tau Army 2.0

All right. So let’s play it safe with the Tau Codex I have, using a box of Firewarriors to make the two needed Troop choices for a battle-forged army.

HQ 130
XV8 Commander with Plasma Rifle & Cyclic Ion Blaster
1x Advanced Targeting System
1x Shield Drone
Troops 130
Firewarrior Team 1 (6)
Firewarrior Team 2 (6)
add 1x Shas’ui
add 1x Gun Drone
Fast Attack 150
Pathfinder Team 1 (5)
add 1x Railrifle
Pathfinder Team 2 (5)
add 1x Shas’ui
add 1x Pulse Accelerator Drone
Heavy Support 89
1x Broadside with HYMP, SMS
add 1x Missile Drone
add 1x Shield Drone
Total Points 499

#2 – Thoughts?

Less fancy (and illegal) trickery, but a solid start into a Tau collection, I think.

Let me know how you would start a Tau army with 500 pts.?


Picture: Tau Firewarrior painted by Martin Dupont
(Golden Demon Australia 2010 Youngblood 1st Place).


I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


New Games Workshop "Imperial Sectors" Realms of Battle board (?) #wargaming #warmongers #40k - 10 hours ago
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  • Julien Bell

    How was the other one illegal? I am just getting back into 40k (after a 7 year hiatus), but I have somewhat kept in touch with the game.

    • Zweischneid

      It used Crisis Suits as Troop-Choices, using the Farsight supplement, but failed to meet the other requirements the Farsight supplements requires you to have before you can use Crisis Suits as Troop choices: (1) not everyone had Bonding Knifes, (2) Crisis Teams were not 3+ models.

      It also used a Signature System (Onager Gauntlet) from the regular Codex, where you apparently must use the Signature Systems from the supplement (if any) if you use the supplement.

  • hellhenni

    A quick warning at the begining: english isn’t my first language and I also don’t have the Tau codex in english, so please forgive me my spelling / wording mistakes.

    On to the list: the additions/upgrades to the different units appear a little bit random, as if included for the sake of including different things. Nothing wrong with that, though I’d streamline it a bit more.
    The Pathfinders are both not really dedicated to do their main job of supporting marker lights. So let’s make a squad with no upgrades and the other one with the Pulse Accelerator Drone and 2 Railrifles.
    The Fire Warriors don’t get much from an added Gun Drone, so let’s drop that together with the Shas’ui and up the squads to 7 Fire warriors each.
    Finally for the Broadside I’d recomend using two missile drones. The shield drone is just an ablative wound, so why shouldn’t we make maximum use of it and have it fire a shot or two before it dies?! ;-)

    Hope this helps.


    • Zweischneid


      Good suggestions, especially on the Pathfinders.

      For the Firewarriors, the idea was partly to build it as a “starter army” with as few boxes as necessary. The Firewarrior-box comes with gun drones and 12 Fire Warriors, so that’s what I used. Two squads of 7 each require another box.

      Similarly, the Broadside comes with a Missile Drone and a Shield Drone on the sprue, so that is what I used.

      But you are – of course – right that the list could easily be made more effective.

      • hellhenni

        My fault, didn’t think of that and as you stated it’s a list for when you get started.
        OK, so let’s try this:

        Commander with Plasma Rifle, Cyclic ion blaster, Advanced targeting system, Stimulant injector
        Fire warrior team with 6 FWs
        Fire warrior team with 6 FWs
        Pathfinder team with 5 Pfs
        Pathfinder team with 5 Pfs with 2x Rail rifles, Pulse Accelerator Drone
        XV88 Broadside with twin-linked high-yield missile pod, twin-linked smart missile system, Stimulant injector, 2x missile drone

        This should net in at 500 points.

        Also I’ve checked Broadsides again, it includes all the parts to build any kind of drones twice. See the top left corner for the parts for the missile variants:×950/99120113031_TauBroadsideSprue01.jpg
