Games Workshop Void Shield Generator Sold Out!

void shield


That thing has been online for about 5 minutes! 1000 Limited Edition copies were available. All gone!

The White Dwarf for that thing only goes out tomorrow.

I know the limited Edition Codex Books, even at 1000, tended to last the weekend at least.

Somebody at Games Workshop seriously underestimated demand for this piece of resin! I expect some eBay madness to come in the next week or two!





I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
New Space Hulk: Deathwing Trailer! #40k - 10 hours ago
  • D. B.

    Had it not been for a retailer of my confidence (whose store was allotted ONE such generator), I would have missed out on this fine item. Good luck to anyone who tried buying an entire network of these!

    • Turbosnowy

      Personally I believe we’ll see these come out as unlimited models soon enough – the reason being 1000 x 100 bucks is only 100K bucks and with the design, wages, boxing, distribution etc etc etc I can only think GW maybe broke even or possibly a loss on this… so what’s the reason – make hype, make people log into more often – crazily often – heck the back of the box shows pipe models that fit the base, who will buy the pipes if next to noone has the model – the rules include making networks of these things which is plainly impossible with only a few ever made… so it’s all about hype – making people visit or the shops more often, getting people used to visiting GW direct all the time, buying from GW direct all the time and so forth… this way they cut out the middle man and keep all the nice profits for themselves instead of pesky 3rd party gaming shops who buy at major discounts which eats into GW profit margins.

      TLDR: An unlimited version will appear soon, possibly with a skull less, or 3 towers instead of 4 or whatever, but will be the pleb version, and I think we can expect GW to pull this kind of stunt more often so people who want that ‘unique snowflake’ version and willing to pay over the odds will be milked for all that GW can manage – that is my prediction…

  • Hive Senteniel

    Someone bought them all and is laughing maniacally right now….but seriously Why?! that is crazy! those Void shields are really neat but not 100$ neat, I mean even I can make something like that it’s not really worth it IMHO even if it is a different material. I guess maybe because Games Workshop slapped limited on it (or e-bay craziness or even mold them and sell them on the internet)

  • Dracion21

    It is polystone instead of resin.

    • Zweischneid

      Polystone is a compound made up of polyurethane resin and additives.

      But yeah, it’s not the same material usually associated with “resin” in wargaming.

  • C AJ Segger

    Why would they make the thing limited edition anyway? Are they going to put a limited edition model in each expansion they bring out? Or is it that only 1000 people liked the Stronghold Assault rules

    • Yggdrasil

      Indeed, what the hell… E-bay shenanigans will be off the scale on this one…

      Let’s hope they used it as a test, and will release a plastic version later on… Still pretty annoying uh, the model seemed nice (if not OTT)…