Games Workshop’s FAQ Return

Games Workshop FAQ

The FAQs and Errata for Games Workshop’s miniature games – mysteriously absent after the recent website overhaul – have returned, under Black Library Digital Editions.

The are a bit hidden. You’ll have to go to the Black Library Homepage, then click on the Digital Editions-tab in the menu, and only than will you see an FAQ-menu-item in the lower-right corner of their menu.

Also, they are in the usual sorry state. For example: the Farsight Enclaves FAQ (link to pdf) has only one page of actual errata, but 5 (mostly blank) pages with “Warhammer 40.000 Blood Angels” written across the footer.

But at least they are back! Right?

“But Mr Dent, the plans have been available in the local planning office for the last nine months.”

“Oh yes, well as soon as I heard I went straight round to see them, yesterday afternoon. You hadn’t exactly gone out of your way to call attention to them, had you? I mean, like actually telling anybody or anything.”

“But the plans were on display …”

“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”

“That’s the display department.”

“With a flashlight.”

“Ah, well the lights had probably gone.”

“So had the stairs.”

“But look, you found the notice didn’t you?”

“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard’.”





I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review #40k #wargaming - 12 hours ago
  • David Jackson

    You wasted all this space to say something snarky. This is why the community gets no leverage with GW – so much whining and bitching, so little real content.

    • geektinker

      When anyone puts up any content of actual value about GW, their next letter is a cease and desist letter from the GW legal department. Exactly how is virtual space “wasted” anyway? At least Pins Of War noticed the F.A.Q. was back up and posted about it, which is more than GW did.

    • Zweischneid

      I believe I have plenty of longer, more thorough articles on my blog. Sometimes I feel like posting something short.. an “aside” of what I am thinking. A random wargaming pic. Not everything needs to be a 5000 word column (in my humble opinion).

      As for “content” and “leverage”, name me just one game or company in wargaming out there that has even 10% of the fan-made content out there that GW/40K has and benefits from. Entire fan-made wikis like Lexicanum, that are indefinitely larger than anything ever done for any other company, with the possible exception of D&D. Entire YouTube Channels dedicated to GW’s stuff. Entire fanmade Codexes and Army-books. Literally Billions of Blog Articles with Strategy Tips, Battle Reports, Painting Guides, etc.. .

      I don’t think 40K can complain about a lack of content from the community. Just imagine what .. say … Malifaux or Mantic Games would do with even 5% of that fan-made effort.

      • David Jackson

        You utterly, totally and completely missed the point. Ask yourself the question, “why doesn’t GW listen to it’s community more?” Then, read the above blog post, and you’ll see why they routinely ignore the GW blogosphere.

        • Zweischneid

          But what would be the point of “GW listening to the community”, if that only happens if the community posts only positive things?

          It is not my job to make “GW listen to the community”, certainly not at the cost of self-censoring my thoughts if they happen to be less-than-enthusiastic.

          If anything, it would be GW’s job (if that is what they’d want to do.. if not, fine) to work towards a more positive echo in the community.

          You’re flipping cause and effect. I am a consumer, customer, gamer, call it what you like. I reflect on that in my blog. I am not GW’s marketing department.

          • Guest

            I’ve been posting responses, but they’ve been moderated. I guess honest communication is over.

          • Zweischneid

            All comments (only 2 for this blog-post) not appearing hear have been caught by the automated filter for foul language.

          • David Jackson

            Foul language? You’ve got be joking.

          • Zweischneid

            I am not. Surely, if you want to provide constructive criticism to my blog that will be listened to, you can avoid the kind of language you used in the posts caught by the filters.

            GW (or any company) would certainly not listen to that kind of bottom-feeder-language “on the internet”, so in the spirit of your own aim to make criticism more adoptable, and less “whining”, you should probably avoid it.

            As you should avoid the personal insults. You seem hell-bent on being the best example for the very kind of non-reasonable criticism you want to condemn.

          • David Jackson

            If you took something I said personally, that’s a burden you must bear, not me. Perhaps this is advice you should heed as well.

          • Zweischneid

            I’ll happily bear that burden.

            But why bother. Why antagonize me with insults, if you want to engender change?

            Or are you, to paraphrase your earlier question, just here to hear yourself speak as well?

            If your goal isn’t to cause change, then what is it, precisely? To make me aware of your displeasure? What do you hope to achieve with profanity and insults?

          • David Jackson

            No, my goal is to encourage you to produce better content, like you used to.

          • Zweischneid


            I will try.

            Yet I cannot help to notice that your “methods” of encouraging me to write better are stooped in precisely the kind of negativity you claim to see in my writing.

            There was nothing substantive or constructive in your comments, no recommendations on how to improve an article on the above topic, no examples of critical content you appreciate and which would – in your opinion – be appreciated by GW themselves as worthy of a recommendation.

            You only stated that you do not much care for my post, with less humour and more swear-words, as I have stated that I do not much care for GW’s approach to FAQs.

            Why should I listen, if you claim people – such as those at GW – never listen to negativity?

            Conversely, if I were to listen to your whining, wouldn’t that contradict your point that people in fact do not listen to whining?

          • David Jackson

            This is all circular, and pretentious. You could have stopped at, “Thanks. I will try,” and we would end up with actual communication. As for “swear-words”, I’m an adult, and entitled to use whatever language I find suitable to express myself. Your sense of entitlement that everyone communicate with you, according to rules that you set, gives me a pretty clear picture of exactly how you interact with the world.

          • Zweischneid

            If you are entitled to use swear-words, why am I not entitled to use a bit of snark to express myself?

            I am fine if everyone is free to communicate by whatever rules they choose, meaning I can communicate by the rules I chose for myself.

            You are the one who introduced the idea that my communication – notably this blog post – is in some form “wrong” communication for rules set out by somebody that is not me.

          • David Jackson

            See what I mean? Circular. Let’s just end this silliness. Next time, put a little more content in your posts, and a little less snark, and you’ll actually be adding something of substance to the blogosphere, and not contributing to the noise. The end.

          • Zweischneid

            “Your sense of entitlement that everyone communicate [...] according to rules that you set, gives me a pretty clear picture of exactly how you interact with the world.”

          • David Jackson


          • Zweischneid

            How can it not be, if I argue with such double-standards.

            You feel entitled to judge my by your rules, but refuse to be judged yourself by the very same rules.

            I think the word you are looking for isn’t circular. It’s hypocrisy.

          • David Jackson

            All of this, to defend your weakly-framed blog post? Fact; your original blog post was weak. It was nothing but some snarky whining, and failed to provide significant supporting material. It could have been so much better; you could have listed weaknesses, then suggested changes you would like to see. Or, you could have elaborated on how GW’s FAQ’s have been inadequate. These are all things you could have done. But, instead, you are insistent on trying to insult me. You are the blogger, I am the reader – we have two different roles here. Accept that. Do better. Quit whining.

          • Zweischneid

            I am not defending any one blog-post.

            I am defending my right to communicate in the way I chose for myself, and not according to rules that you or anyone sets. Isn’t that the very thing that grated you?

            The roles of relationship between me and you, blogger (blog-post-producer) and reader (blog-post-consumer), isn’t in any way different than the relationship between Games Workshop (FAQ-producer) and me (FAQ-consumer).

            If X is inadequate communication from me, as a customer of GW, commenting on the stuff GW produces, it must equally be inadequate communication from you, as a “consumer” of my blog posts, commenting on the stuff I write.

            I don’t see why different standards should apply.

            If you want to see a different from of critique of these FAQs, why not write it yourself?

          • Guest 2

            Dear oh dear “guest”…. here’s your sign.

            Snapping like a terrier because somebody points out that a company that (apparently) accidentally deep six’s its own FAQ articles, then manages to republish them in an area of the internet analogous to a box buried in the attic, has acted with less professionalism then could be expected of a couple of kids selling home made lemonade. Oh the horror! How entirely unjustified of him….

            Leverage with GW? What in holy hell are you wittering on about? “Well you didn’t leave an apple of games workshops desk and bake him a souffle, so how can you expect them to act in a manner with some semblance of professionalism?”

            Also, you have no idea what a circular argument or reasoning is, or the meaning of the word pretentious. I’ll help you out with the last of those: attempting to use long words you have no idea if the meaning or context in which they should be used makes you look stupid and pretentious.

          • David Jackson

            Again, you miss the point. You make an assertion, but your supporting data is flimsy at best. Mostly, it’s snarky comments and whining – nothing really substantial. So, why would GW listen to that? Because of the general negativity of the 40K community, they’ve stopped listening, because it doesn’t provide them with useful data on how to improve. Just confirmation bias, wishlisting, and snark.

          • Zweischneid

            Perhaps. But you are also making an assertion; namely that I care, or should care, whether GW listens or not.

          • David Jackson

            I see, so why even bother complaining about GW? Is it just to hear yourself speak? Or to just stand with all the other clucking hens, and cluck? If your goal isn’t to cause change, then what is it, precisely? To make us aware of your displeasure?

          • Zweischneid

            I am not complaining.

            I am remarking on the grotesque of reality imitating art, in this case Games Workshop’s “communication” imitating the parody of purposefully obtuse non-communication put to paper by the great, late Douglas Adams.

          • David Jackson

            You are doing nothing but posting the same kind of blogosphere trash that it cluttering the GW community, as well as acting pretentious. I am done here.

    • John K.


      Love it when people whine about other people whining.

  • Porphyry

    Is it just me or did they completely leave out the Dark Angels faq?

  • DrNick247

    hi, thanks for posting the link to the FAQ & errata, had been looking for them for a while without success, I foolishly though that they would be on their site near the codexes.
    Sorry to read the comments from ‘guest’ below, great hitchhikers reference and entirely spot on about the matter.