Glimpses of DreadBall Extreme

Mantic Open Day (the second this year, after the Open Day in May) has come and gone.

Though Deadzone is clearly the current hot topic, there were also some glimpses of what will happen to DreadBall in the future, now that the last Kickstarter-shipment has been sent.

#1 – DreadBall Convicts and Brokkrs

Here are two new pictures of upcoming DreadBall (Extreme) Miniatures: Convicts and Brokkrs (the latter, apparently, will also be in Deadzone). Pictures from GMorts Chaotica.

DreadBall Season 4 Convicts

DreadBall Season 4 Brokkrs

#2 – DreadBall Ultimate Kickstarter

Rumours from the Mantic Madness Facebook Page suggest, that Mantic Games will go back to Kickstarter for a DreadBall (and Kings of War) Sequel-Kickstarter in 2014.

So how about people sharing what they heard in the seminars? I’m sure each one gleaned a different bit of info.
From me, Dreadball Extreme will be a boxed set, probably via Kickstarter. The board is likely to be representing a warehouse and there will be 3D scenery such as crates and barrels all over the place.
There will likely be several kickstarters next year including KoW and Warpath and the possibility of another ‘licence’ though one not so left field and therefore better known than Mars Attacks. Ronnie did let on he would have loved AvP but it was never on the radar. Avatar was mentioned!
There will be plastic scenery for KoW, but no plans as to what form this will take as yet.

#3 – Thoughts?

Turning DreadBall into a game with more “scenery” sounds interesting, not to mention bridging the link to skirmish games. Sounds like Mantic have a plan.

What do you think?

Would you be ready for more (Kickstarter-fueled) DreadBall next year? Kings of War?

Or is Mantic moving too fast with this?

Let me know what you think and leave a comment!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


@Thee_Other_Matt @DaSkwire Ok. Three times, really quickly. No cheating ;) - 2 days ago
Follow @pinsofwar


  • Vermonter

    I want to say there’s no chance I’ll go in for Dreadball Extreme, as I can’t afford another game franchise. However, what it will really come down to for me is how compatible the game and its figures are with Deadzone. I had no interest in Mars Attacks, but then Mantic made every unit in the game Deadzone-compatible. Your comments that Dreadball Extreme is looking to bridge sports and skirmish gaming make me think Mantic will continue this pattern. If they do, I could see going in for a “sweet spot” pledge.

    • Zweischneid

      Well, they would still need to find a way to cross over between “weapon-wielding” miniatures and “non-weapon-wielding” miniatures.

      There already is one Dreadball Extreme Miniature, of course – Blaine – and he did later show up on Deadzone as well… with more weapons.

      There will definitely be cross-overs. Mantic has been doing them a lot. But I doubt it will be fully compatible.