GW Website Update and a New Space Marines Character?


Quite a few people have been getting excited about Games Workshop’s new website. Apparently, it is happening now – – is being updated and „under construction“.

Presumably, the new webstore will launch soon (and I still doubt it will include Forge World… the logistics just don’t makes sense – though we will soon enough).

However, Forge World or not, there is an intriguing picture of a new (I think) sprue for a Space Marine character (see above).

Have a look and let me know what you think!



A picture of this has been seen. It is a re-sculpt of an earlier (metal) exclusive model from way, way back.

The new Miniature

Exclusive Webstore Miniature Games Workshop

The original

Original GW Webstore Miniature



I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review #40k #wargaming - 12 hours ago
  • Anon

    That’s Calgar out of Terminator Armour by the looks of it.

    • C AJ Segger

      Not Calgar, no Gauntlets of Ultramar

  • Arthfael

    I’d say it’s a generic chapter master model. More bling than a generic captain, and it doesn’t look chapter specific.

  • Bobthemim

    its a bit stupid they are doing this when IG are on pre-order..

    I figured they would wait until 3rd week of april where nothing major would come out. Less chance of bugs messing up orders and other problems

  • -

    It´s the new Blood Angels Captain/Seargent from the upcomming 7ed. Box. Orks vs. Blood Angels…

    • Zweischneid

      There is no Orks vs. Blood Angels box. That rumour is bollox

  • Peter Parker

    free in the GW world is paying first 80 euro

    • Zweischneid

      Well, “free with” isn’t an uncommon term.

      I got my mobile phone “free with” the contract. Doesn’t mean I’d get it free without a contract, obviously.

      Not sure how this is GW specific.


  • Hive Senteniel

    Rumors have it, it is the Captain of the 10th Company of Ultramarines. Projected interest rates are expected to fall somewhere along the lines of “I Don’t Care Enough to pay 100$ for 1 single space marine Captain that looks easily convertible”