How Good Are the New Tyranid Flyers?

New Tyranids Codex Hive Crone

There was a time when, every time a new Codex was released, I first looking up the new Flyers that almost inevitably came with each new Warhammer 40K release. For the most part (Dark Angels, Tau Empire, etc….), they were rather lackluster entries in their respective Codex.

Is the same true for the new Tyranids Harpy and Hive Crone?

I actually think there might possibly be some gems hidden there in the new Codex with the Harpy and, even more so, the new Hive Crone.

#1 – Flying Monstrous Creatures

Let’s start with the obvious. First of all, the Harpy and Hive Crone aren’t really Flyers, they are Flying Monstrous Creatures, which, all things considered, is probably a good thing.

  • They don’t have to start the game in Reserves.
  • They can shoot in any direction, making a mockery of the laborious efforts to get firing arcs of even the most nimble, even vector-dancing, non-Heldrake Flyers out there.
  • They come with lots of wounds, making it hard to take them out with a single shot. Admittedly, both the Harpy and the Hive Crone are only Toughness 5. However, once they are Swooping, T5 and plenty of wounds is more than most Flyers can do to keep flying. There simply aren’t a lot of Str. 10 and/or Instant Death Skyfire-weapons around.
  • If they are truly in trouble, Flying Monstrous Creatures can also take a Dive to help staying alive.

Of course, a Flying Monstrous Creature can be grounded (or caught “off-guard” while Gliding). Nothing’s perfect. Still, with some care, these beasts should be able to keep to the skies as good, if not better than most other Flyers (especially the latter 6th Edition ones).

#2 – The Harpy

The Harpy is the classic choice of Tyranid flyers, though the model is just as new.

  • It costs fewer points than the Hive Crone, though there are many upgrades for a Harpy for a price, including Biomorphs (why can’t Eldar Flyers take Vehicle Equipment?).
  • As primary weapons go, the Harpy starts with a TL Stranglethron Cannon (a S6 Large Blast with Pinning), which can be upgraded to a TL Heavy Venom Cannon (a S9 Small Blast without Pinning). As both are blast weapons, the Harpy will not be hunting any other Flyers, though a S9-shot can be very handy in hunting down the odd vehicle.
  • A fun secondary weapon of the Harpy are its Spore Mine Cysts, which allow it to drop Spore Mines in the Movement Phase. The Spore Mines either explode on a target or drift across the battlefield, which is great fun, even if it’s all only Str. 4.
  • Thirdly, the Harpy can be upgraded with Cluster Spines or Stinger Salvo, which might be worth it simply to make sure it is always firing two weapons a turn (when it cannot use the Spore Mines). Neither is a terribly impressive weapon by itself.
  • Finally, the Harpy has Scything Talons and, curiously, a Sonic Screech, that will sap your opponents initiative when the Harpy charges into combat. An interesting ability, though there are more potent things in a Tyranid army to charge with.

Overall, the Harpy has a “swiss-army-knife” feel to it with a weapon for pretty much any occasion, other than (!) taking on enemy Flyers.

The Harpy’s main advantage over other Flyers, I believe, is the ability to start on the table and, hopefully deliver blast templates to your enemy on turn 1, which in turn might buy a Tyranid army time to get across the board.

The downside is the lack of Anti-Aircraft potential, though it seems that is the reason the Hive Mind bred the Hive Crone.

#3 – The Hive Crone

The Hive Crone is more expensive than the Harpy, and boosts more exotic weaponry. It will not rival the Heldrake in pure “Terror from the Skies”-potential, though I believe it could prove a popular entry for Tyranid armies aiming to contest the skies.

  • The Hive Crone’s primary weapons is the Drool Cannon, a Template-weapon. As a Flyer with a 360° template weapon, the comparison to the Heldrake is inevitable, and in that comparison the Hive Crone falls short. No torrent, no AP3, etc.. . Still, for a Tyranid beast with, like all of them, poor Ballistic Skill, it’s a useful weapon.
  • Rather than the Drool Cannon, it is probably the secondary weapon, the Tentaclids, that will decide the utility of the Hive Crone. These are one-shot “missiles” with a re-roll to hit (BS 3) with the Haywire special rule.
  • Like the Harpy, the Hive Crone can be upgraded with Cluster Spines or Stinger Salvo, though unlike the Harpy, it could (should?) simply focus on getting those Vector Strikes (below) and Tentaclids off.
  • Last but not least, the Hive Crone has a Str. 8 Vector Strike… yes Ma’am!… and Scything Talons.

I am oddly intrigued by the model. The Tentaclics (Str. 5) might not seem like much, but combined with the insane Str. 8 Vector Strike (which does D3+1 hits, in case you forgot) and the ability to shoot 360°, it makes a potent combination.

Run the Hive Crone an enemy vehicle, even a flyer, and savage it with its Vector Strike. If it survives, add another near-guaranteed Glancing Hit with a Tentaclid. Would it work reliably? I think it might. It’s a mean combination either way.

#4 – Thoughts?

I admit, Flyers don’t make an army. If anything, Tau and Eldar proved that with superb armies despite their underwhelming Flyers.

That said, the new Tyranid Flyers strike me as an interesting addition to the Warhammer 40K skies, more so than other recent releases, if partly because Flying Monstrous Creatures have more forgiving rules than regular Flyers in some respects.

The Harpy has a great deal of versatility, though it might simply have too much going on to make it all work. For its points, it might be worth it though. The Hive Crone feels, Drool Cannon aside, more focused on killing Vehicles and Flyers and might be good at it too.

What about you?

  • Would you consider fielding a Harpy, a Hive Crone or both in a Tyranid army? Multiples even?
  • Would you worry if they deploy across the table from your army?
  • How would you go about using (or killing) the new flying Tyranid-monstrosities?

Let me know what you think and leave a comment!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review #40k #wargaming - 13 hours ago
  • Evan S

    I’m currently leaning toward a flying circus list with 2 of one and 1 of the other. They’re pretty fragile, but 5 FMCs (2 Flyrants) will be hard to bring down all at once. Their speed should also help giving your opponent close at hand issues to deal with while the slower elements of the army catch up.

  • Rhys_C

    The problem with all 40k armies at the moment is that most are getting roughly the same models with the 6th ed. variety is leaving the game and making it easier for SM/CSM to dominate – every other army has a less powerful version of whatever (C)SMs have

    • Zweischneid

      Really. Around here, it’s pretty much Daemon Screamerstars, Tau and Eldar (and Taudar) ruling the roost. I’ve rarely seen Power Armour as week as it is these days.

      • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

        I agree as a Chaos Space Marine player I have a very hard time beating Eldar or Tau, a single mistake and its game over. Just a couple of Wave Serpents is enough to kill any cheap backfield scoring units, and if I have to buy expensive scoring I don’t have enough powerful stuff to get the job done.

      • Rhys_C

        No flyer gets close to stormtalon and heldrake. drop a droppod ontop of tau and ws2 isnt looking so hot against assault marines or vanguards. admittedly its got harder than just ‘hiding’ behind power armor but in terms of new editions in your standard game, everything is just a poor mock up of a (C)SM addition

  • Taylor Hunt

    The problem I find with the new book is the lack of AA. The crone is almost a must but outside the crone you are hoping a flyrant with dakka can roll enough 6′s. They just simply dont have any other choice. And in that respect you have to hope the crone comes on from reserve after their flyer. You start on the table t5 with a 4+ and die first turn to bolters. If you are unlucky enough to come on first every other flyer can almost guarantee at least 4 wounds and a grounding test, SM, Crons even the nephlim has a very good chance at shooting you down first go. I like the new nids book it just needs a bigger choice of viable lists and toughtness 7 and 8 250 monsterous creatures respectivily would of made them not op but not bolter bait.

    • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

      Nids can use fortifications now.

      • Hive Senteniel

        ya.. I don’t think Nids needed fortifications so much as a better way to assault. Although I must admit a S9 AP 2 shot up to 96″ from an Icarus Lascannon (no idea how Nids got it, maybe they stole blueprints lol) seems quite nice. But truthfully, I don’t think this is what the Nids really needed as we have to stand around when we should be running up to enemy lines and smacking ‘em across the face while are gun-beast destroy, suppress or pin down foes and targets that are too dangerous or difficult for cc (the key factor is they’re MOBILE). I agree with Taylor tougher monsters would have been nice even at 250+ pts. But that’s just my thoughts.

        • Al Jourgeson

          i just realized that eldar have a tougher unit than tyranids.


    • Chronosmaximus

      Totally Agree. Thumbs Up.

  • Hive Senteniel

    The Crone seems to clearly have one job, kill every vehicle and flyer it can before dying. With a pair of them you can wipe an enemies vehicles clean of the board! Two of them can quickly turn the game to the Nids favor.They can quickly take out Flyers and Vehicles before dying and create HUGE gaps in heavy support to an opponents armies. I’ve seen these guys so far ruin armies just by breaking vehicles and flyers. Mid-strength or high AP weapons w/Skyfire will drop them fast though and shooting armies like Tau can ground it and kill it easily. So overall the unit is fragile as Paper Mache, but it can be really effective against (Chaos and Loyal)Marines, Eldar and Orks but Tau and even Daemons like Bloodthirsters can drop it before it does anything useful.

    • Taylor Hunt

      Im in agreement with the use 2 of them to make them effective. They just seem to fragile to take one. But 2 and a flyrant or 2 will give enough air that target priority gets harder.

    • Chronosmaximus

      You forgot to mention Necrons, Imperial Guard, Grey Knights, Adepta Soritas and Dark Eldar.

      • Hive Senteniel

        Ya I did. I guess Guard and Crons might be difficult, so could DE if you can’t kill their Flyers/Skyfire units fast.Adeptus Soritas, no clue really (come on there’s like 12 SoB players out there lol) and Grey Knights are included w/ Marines I was talking about.

  • Al Jourgeson

    i think a harpy at 150 is incredibly cheap for the amount of firepower you can put out the turn you fire.

    if you get first turn, just start on the board, then zip over at 24″ and shoot both large blast weapons.

    if you get second turn, start in reserve, zip in 24″ and shoot both large blast weapons.

    both scenarios are not risk-free, but mitigate the risk quite a bit. personally, i will likely use 2x flyrants and 2x harpies and see how this tactic goes!

    • A. Gamer

      I believe that if you start on the board (in glide mode) you can only move up to 12″ like jump infantry in that 1st turn. In the second turn you can switch to swoop mode and go up to 24″.

      • Xupim

        From what I remember, when you start on the board you are not limited to Glide Mode, only to, if the enemy win the initiative, he can kill your FMC like any MC in the ground. It’s kinda risky, but worthy if he (it?) survive.

  • RogueAccount

    I really think you’re overselling Scything Talons there. They effectively do ZERO for either of these two units. For the Hive Crone I would say that the Tentaclids would be a primary weapon, followed by the vector strike, with the drool cannon there if for some reason you dont have a vehicle to shoot at. The Harpy’s shriek should be used in conjunction with charging a unit with another close combat unit.