Games Workshop’s series of painting videos, which they launched recently has generally been very good. The three videos they put out to today are particularly noteworthy, not because it is about Orks, but because they show you how to paint a model in a nice, smooth yellow.
Duncan Rhodes may talk all he wants about how “easy” it is…. it’s still eluding me how to do it smoothly and without brush-strokes.
#1 – Ork Morkanaut Painting Video 1
Duncan may be painting a Morkanaut, but his painting advice can be applied to any army and, indeed, any colour in the Citadel Paint Range. Painting Imperial Fists or Iyanden Eldar? These videos will definitely be useful for you. Want to know how to paint your Morkanaut red instead of yellow? Simply substitute all the yellow paints that Duncan uses for the equivalent red ones (in this case, Mephiston Red, Kindleflame and Bloodletter).
#2 – Ork Morkanaut Painting Video 2
In Duncan’s second video he shows you how to paint metallic areas. Almost every army has metal details in some shape or form, be it armour, guns or swords, so take heed of Duncan’s handy painting advice.
#3 – Ork Morkanaut Painting Video 3
The third video shows you how to put the finishing touches to your Morkanaut, including weathering and battle damage.
#4 – Thoughts?
Games Workshop is really putting out some quality help there. Great stuff!
Let me know what you think!