Iron Hands Clan Raukaan Supplement Pre-Orders

Clan Raukaan Codex Supplement

More digital goodness from Games Workshop’s Digital Edition branch. Clan Raukaan – the Iron Hands Space Marines Codex Supplement – is now available for pre-order as both eBook Edition and interactive iTunes Edition. As is fast becoming a tradition with these digital Codexes, Games Workshop is treating us with a wealth of nice artwork and previews.

#1 – Clan Raukaan eBook Edition Previews

A preview from the Clan Raukaan eBook Edition.

Clan Raukaan Techmarine Preview
Clan Raukaan Devastator Squad

#2 – Clan Raukaan iTunes Edition Previews

Previews from the Clan Raukaan iTunes Edition.

Clan Raukaan Captain Preview
Clan Raukaan Codex Supplement Contents

#3 – Thoughts?

Very nice stuff.

On the other hand, I am increasingly doubting we’ll ever see these digital Codexes as printed books. At least not all of them. I am sure, if one sells particularly well, Games Workshop may decide to print it. Given the, by now, weekly release schedule from the Digital Team, I cannot imagine that a “default” transition to printed Codex Supplements (and Codexes) is a viable option.

What do you think?

Are you a Iron Hands Player? Do you look forward to the book? Would you buy it, but only as a physical product?

Leave a comment and share your thoughts!





I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


@Thee_Other_Matt @DaSkwire Ok. Three times, really quickly. No cheating ;) - 2 days ago
Follow @pinsofwar


  • Joe Davis

    On the top picture, what’s in the bottom left corner?

    • Zweischneid

      An Eldar Ranger / Pathfinder

      • Yggdrasil

        Absolutely love that artwork. So much more “realistic” than the usual drawings !!

  • Barry Gregory

    An elder ranger with his hands on his head ducking for cover.

  • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

    I’ll buy it if it comes out as a physical book- otherwise I’ll just get an illicit download or get the rules from a blog. No way I’m paying so much for a digital copy.

  • Yggdrasil

    Not sure I’ll buy the digital version, but I might be tempted by a physical copy… If only for the new fluff (Iron Hands are not the most thoroughly described of SM chapters) and artwork.

    TBH, I’m almost done with reading the 20th rewriting of the various organs of a Space Marine, the organisation of a Codex Chapter, that you find in ALL Space Marine Codices… That would change a bit ;)

    The FoC swap options are always a nice thing IMHO, that allow for original armies… So I’m all for it !

  • belverker

    don’t know if i’ll grab this one (iron hands don’t hold any interest for me) but i have been liking these digital releases,.
    But they are only 2 suppliments behind for the printed ones so there is no reason these won’t be printed

  • JohnnyZed

    I’m a huge Iron Hands fan, but this increasing “Let’s try this as an ebook and then see if it sells enough to print” is getting annoying, especially at the price they sell the ebooks for. There’s plenty of examples of print-on-demand gaming books out there, and given how long GW has been operating, you think that they’d be able to set up something to handle that kind of model by now.