James Wappel’s Painting Pyramid Kickstarter

KickstarterJames Wappel’s ‘Discover the Painting Pyramid‘ Kickstarter is now up and running (and essentially funded). This Kickstarter – in essence – allows you to pledge for a choice of “learn-how-to-paint” DvDs. Not a revolutionary product. But it is less the DvDs that are exiting, than who is providing the guides that are on the DvDs. Here’s a glimpse into James Wappel’s amazing work!

#1 – Warhammer Fantasy Tomb Kings Sepulchral Stalkers

Warhammer Fantasy Tomb Kings Sepulchral Stalkers

Sepulchral Stalkers, painted by James Wappel

Some mean snakes for Warhammer Fantasy!

#2 – Infinity Miniature

Infinity Miniature

Ininity Miniature, painted by James Wappel

Forgive me for now being “in-the-know” with Infinity. Though I know next to nothing about the game or background, I’ve been oogling the miniatures for some time.

Interesting to see a professional “non-Giraldez” paint-job on one of them.

#3 – Kingdom Death Flower Knight

James Wappel Flower Knight

Kingdom Death Flower Knight, painted by James Wappel

With all the excitement surrounding Kingdom Death’s recent record-breaking Kickstarter, I am sure I am not the only one looking for painting advice to do the KD miniatures justice (I sure could use some source-lighting tips… those lanterns are everywhere in Kingdom Death!).

#4 – Warhammer 40K Imperial Fist Rapier

Warhammer 40K Imperial Fist

Imperial Fist Rapier, painted by James Wappel

Nothing like some good ol’ Space Marines painted to the highest standard. Awesome!

Unfortunately, the one thing odd about James Wappel’s Kickstarter (to me) is that there is no video. Before pledging to “learn-how-to-paint” DvDs, it would’ve been great to get a glimpse of how the DvDs would “feel”: i.e. a sample of James Wappel’s narration, the angle, etc.. .

Alas, the Kickstarter will run another month – until February 8th to be precise – and maybe we’ll get a sample video till then.

What do you think?

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If you haven’t read it, check out my Kickstarter Interview with James Wappel!

About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.