Jervis Johnson Talks 7th Edition Army Organisation Options


Jervis Johnson talks about army organisation in the new Edition for Warhammer 40K.

#1 – GW 7th Edition Army Organisation Video

#2 – Thoughts?

Let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review #40k #wargaming - 12 hours ago
  • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

    the dramatic intro music makes the appearance of a balding middle aged man something of an anti climax. Jervis could at least have put on a suit of power sarmour and spoken through a vocoder.

    • Luke

      I’m pretty sure Jervis is a perpetual…

  • BrassScorpion

    As an avid modeler and collector I like the new Unbound option, I’ve never liked the Force Organization Chart. However, they seem to still be encouraging players to use the FOC by giving those army lists adhering to it advantages which could also be seen as discouraging people from using the new Unbound rules. It appears this is set up to allow Unbound armies to be playing against FOC armies, implying that Unbound armies are potentially more powerful so that FOC armies need additional benefits to balance the game. I’m not convinced playing Unbound vs. FOC will be a good idea at all for balance regardless of which is potentially more powerful. Also, if the “two FOC detachments” option is still there that already in practicality freed people from the FOC in games of 2000 pts or more and so perhaps it is the FOC armies that will end up being a bit too powerful in that mismatch. I’m also wary of getting excited about the new Unbound option if they are discouraging you from using it by giving FOC unique advantages.

    Of course, we won’t really know how any of this feels or if it’s fun till we’ve had a chance to try it out. I do know that I’ve played the fewest games ever under 6th Edition and my son who has been an avid player since 4th Edition really dislikes 6th Edition. Hopefully 7th Edition will be a vast improvement.

    On another level 7th Edition has to be good because asking customers to now pay for a new expensive rule book after only two years on top of all the other recently ever increasing price points for models and supplements could be rightly seen as a cash grab. Many people seem to have abandoned Warhammer in the past few years citing being “priced out” as the reason. Revising the core rules every two years at current prices can only exacerbate that problem.

    • Zweischneid

      Well. “Balance” will be tricky. The way I understand it, there may well be different ways to do battle-forged, with or without formations “to reflect the background”.

      The Ork Codex might well come with a different variant of battle-forged, that is changes the “standard FoC” in ways to suit the Ork background.

      But with variety also (inevitably) some battle-forged will be better than others (and even if battle-forged is “only” the current 6th Edition way of going about it, it is hardly “balanced”).

      Adding unbound might not make much of a difference, but I don’t see how it would be “more balanced” than the current status quo, even if you outright ignore unbound.

      • BrassScorpion

        Yeah, balance is and generally has been non-existent and usually gets worse with each new release. As has been the case at least once before, I’m turning my comment above into a little editorial. I’ll send you a link when it’s published.

        • Zweischneid

          Looking forward to it.