Jervis Johnson Video #3 – Psychic Phase & Daemonology

daemonology book cover

Games Workshop published the third 7th Edition preview-video with Jervis Johnson. This one talks about Daemonology and the new psychic phase.

#1 – Jervis Johnnson Talks Psychic Phase

#2 – Thoughts?

Let me know what you think!



Interesting image at time-mark 1:59
New Captain



I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review #40k #wargaming - 14 hours ago
  • achastain

    A psyker can shoot as many witchfire powers as he knows, as long as there is warp pool to do so. He may fire each witchfire power at a different target, which doesn’t affect his or his unit’s ability to target and shoot weapons in the shooting phase. Likewise, witchfire powers do not affect moving, running, turbo boosting, or moving flat out. Witchfire powers may be fired as snap shots…wow.
    Novas’ can hit FMCs and fliers as long as they are within maximum range…

  • DarkStarSabre

    So, Zoanthropes might get a say. Warp Blast might actually get a say. Pity my Chaos Marine are still in the can til I see any flyer changes…. (No, I do not run Heldrake Spam. Never have, never will. If I want to do a Heldrake it’ll cost me about £60 for the conversion I want :( )