CoolMiniOrNot just announced the miniatures sports game of Kaos Ball through their TTGN-blog. Kaos Ball is/will be a miniatures sports game designed by Eric Lang.
#1 – The CMON Press Announcement
Read the full press-release here!
Kaos Ball is a new kind of fantasy sports game, combining rugby-style passing finesse and first person shooter domination-style scoring. The result is a tense game of skill, bluffing, luck, and lethal brutality like you’ve never played before!
Kaos Ball uses exciting card-based play mechanisms to put players in the role of a coach, managing their unique, game-altering team from scrimmage to sudden death period to outscore their opponents. Players need to balance scoring and killing their opponents, using powerful cheating effects all the while – as long as you have the money to pay off the ref. No two matches will play the same!
Kaos Ball includes multiple modes of play: traditional head-to-head, partnerships-based alliances, and “Maximum Kaos” three- or four-player mode; 30-60 exhibition games complete with a pregame draft for ringers and team upgrades; and league play with up to eight players and upgrades that stay in place from game to game, creating a unique sense of progression.
#2 – My Thoughts

Kaos Ball Teams
Reading through the TTGN post, there’s lots of interesting ideas in Kaos Ball, including
- Three- and Four-player game mode in addition to 2 player-games
- A deck-building element that influences game-play
- A league/campaign-system that focuses on team, rather than individual players
For all these innovations, it’s fairly obvious that Kaos Ball (and the sure-to-follow Kickstarter for the game) is pouncing hard at the niche that Mantic Games carved themselves with DreadBall (against much Blood-Bowl-copy-cat nay-saying).
It does feel – a bit – like CMON is getting “conservative” with their blockbuster-Kickstarters in ways not dissimilar to how Hollywood studies (and computer game studies) have become conservative with their top-earners; sticking to proven formulas (e.g. sports games), sequels (e.g. Zombicie 2) and nostalgia revivals (e.g. Confrontation) where possible.
Interesting to see where this goes!