Those Kickstarter campaigns are truly coming hard and fast again these days.
This one has been on the horizon for a while, and is now live on Kickstarter (and funded many times over): MERCS Recon, from the makers of the miniatures skirmish game of MERCS and the highly successful Myth Kickstarter last year.
#1 – MERCS Recon
MERCS: Recon is a fully cooperative, stand-alone game set in the exciting MERCS world.
The idea of a near-future/Shadowrun-like miniatures board game hits a lot of good points.
Even more importantly, no silly early-bird pledges either, so I can take my time to take this one in and see what they have to offer, before I consider making my pledge. Thumbs up for that!
The game-play itself .. well .. the videos leave me more confused than informed, but I hope some better ones might be coming in the next month. The main downside, at the moment, is that MERCS Recon is once again a Kickstarter asking for a fair bit of money to “get in”.
#2 – MERCS Recon Pledge Levels
The “cheapest” pledge level qualifying for stretch goals sits at US$ 120,-, plus another US$ 24 shipping to the UK – early next year – for (currently) 20 miniatures.
That is quite a sticker shock, and something that makes me think the retail-option (or eBay) next year might be the better way to go.
But we’ll see. Maybe those stretch-goals will pile up.
#3 – Thoughts?
What do you think about the MERCS Recon Kickstarter? Are you tempted to get into some near-future corporate espionage and black ops?
Let me know what you think!