A lot of Dark Angel pictures spilled before Christmas. Now, three more pictures of the coming Dark Angels from January’s White Dwarf appeared. They include a first sighting of a Deathwing Terminator with Plasma Cannon, a shot of a Watcher in the Dark and the Dark Angel Standard Bearer. All in all, this one is certainly taking 40K gothic to new heights. Enjoy!
#1 – Deathwing Details
First up a scan of detail shots from the Deathwing Knights Terminators. The set includes a Watcher in the Dark carrying a perfidious relic! Picture three appears to be the ‘Flail of the Unforgiven’ wielded by the leader of the squad.
Deathwing Knights Details, including a Watcher!
#2 – Deathwing Terminators fighting Chaos Space Marines
The second picture is a moody ‘action shot’ of a unit of Deathwing Terminators (the non-Knight version) facing Black Legion Chaos Space Marines. Some Ravenwing support can also be seen in the background. Most notably, however, is the Terminator to the left of the Sergeant, wielding a Plasma Cannon, and the one to his right, wielding a two-handed axe!
Deathwing Terminators facing Chaos Space Marines
#3 – Dark Angels Standard Bearer
Last but not least, the Dark Angels Standard Bearer (which will be Finecast). As much as I admire cool free-hand banners, there is probably no denying that a pre-sculpted banner like this will make things a lot easier for many.
Dark Angels Standard Bearer