Mystery Terminator Is Ultramarines First Captain Agemman (?)

Mystery Terminator Miniature

An interesting titbit from the new White Dwarf. The “mystery” Terminator Captain Miniatures, included as an easter egg (intentionally or not) in the last of the Jervis Johnson videos on Warhammer 40K 7th Edition also makes an appearance in the White Dwarf (leading me to believe that he likely shows up with full intent).

The White Dwarf actually names him as the Ultramarines’ First Captain Severus Agemman.

white dwarf terminator cap093

According to Lexicanum

Previously the captain of the Second Company, Agemman was promoted to First Captain after his predecessor, Captain Saul Invictus, was killed during the Battle for Macragge.

While nominally the successor to Marneus Augustus Calgar as Chapter Master, Cato Sicarius, his successor as Captain of the 2nd Company, is considered the more likely heir, a possibility that displeases Agemman.

During the Invasion of Ultramar in 854999.M41, Marneus Calgar travels to Talassar to confront the daemon prince M’kar.

I love the bit about M’kar, as he is a Daemon Prince who plays a big role in the Mark of Calth. Yeah for 40K-Heresy-tie-ins!

Of course, it is still possible that the miniature is a generic Space Marine Captain in Terminator armour, who stands in as Agemman in this particular shot from the rulebook.

His prominent placement, however, would suggest that it is a miniature that will be released soon, making it less likely that this is just a GW-HQ conversion that snuck into the video.




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review #40k #wargaming - 14 hours ago
  • Name

    Its about time we got a new Terminator Captain, the old metal one was showing its age when they released the plastic terminators now its positively geratric.

    • Bobthemim

      ye about time we got a new ultramarines special character.. the nine we have at the moment are getting lonely

      • Hive Senteniel

        I know. I still dream of a day Uriel Ventris and Dark Apostle Marduk are mad into valid 40k characters…..

    • Yggdrasil

      It’ll be interesting to see whether he’ll be a generic character, or intended to be played as an UM one… On the pics, I don’t see any UM-specific iconography, the reversed omega on its right knee looking like a waterslide…

      Pretty much like it ! :)