Slowly but surely we are seeing how Games Workshop’s releases are taking advantage of the new weekly “release windows”, launched with the new White Dwarf Weekly format.
The last two weeks were dedicated to the Imperial Knights. Indeed, the Imperial Knights Codex is only in GW stores today. But it’s not a “month of Knights”, and everyone entering a store to get .. say .. an Imperial Knights Codex is getting a taste of the next thing to come: Chaos Space Marine Helbrutes and Codex (Supplement) Crimson Slaughter!
#1 – Chaos Space Marine Helbrute
On one hand, I think the Helbrute is an interesting kit. With Chaos Space Marines, Games Workshop is definitely making one of recent years biggest overhauls to the aesthetics of an army.
It started with the very cool, very popular Dark Vengeance Chaos Space Marines and the Aspiring Plastic Champion, though it arguably took a break with the Heldrake, Fiends, etc., which added new units, rather than revamping old ones.
The Helbrute – formerly know as Chaos Space Marine Dreadnought – was in Dark Vengeance too, but now it has a more modular kit with all the gribbly glory across all the weapon options.
On the other hand, I am not terribly wowed by this kit. I am not sure why, but it doesn’t really scream “cool” the way the Dark Vengeance Marine or the Aspiring Champion does. I am sure it’ll look awesome in a well painted army though.
#2 – Codex Crimson Slaughter
Surprisingly, there is very little about the latest Codex Supplement in the White Dwarf, nothing compared to the big feature presentation given to the Imperial Knights Codex.
I’d actually like to see where they are going. One of the first books I reviewed for this blog was the Dark Vengeance novel. Though there wasn’t that much information about the Crimson Slaughter, I was excited to see how “modern day” Games Workshop would build up a new factions, instead of endlessly milking the classic Chaos Legions and Factions.
It never happened, and this week release feels a bit like a delayed Dark Vengeance add-on, but I might get this one and hope to be positively surprised.
#3 – Imperial Knights
They couldn’t quite leave out the Knights yet. There is a four-page entry on the Imperial Knight (curiously titled “Designed For War”, given how Jervis explained two weeks ago how Knights were appropriated forestry equipment).
Fun facts are found in the red boxes….
Who would’ve thought? Those GW playtesters are savvy tacticians!
#4 – Paint Splatter & Co.
Beyond that, there are the now familiar entries.. Paint Splatter, Sprues and Glue, Designer’s Notes, etc… .
The paint splatters are quite fun, as the Helbrutes come in outrageous colour- and flesh-variants, so I found this week’s paint splatter to be more diverse than usually.
Overall, I still like the standard-White Dwarf articles. Six issues in, they are keeping the quality up so far.
#5 – Thought?
Is there anything in this week’s Games Workshop newly revealed products that tempts you? Have you been waiting for a more modular Helbrute kit? Would you be interested in the contents of the Crimson Slaughter Codex Supplement?
Let me know what you think!