New Space Marines HQ – Captain, Librarian & Chaplain

It is clear by now that the upcoming release of Space Marines miniatures will break with the “pattern” established by the flurry of releases for Warhammer 40K in the first half of 2013.

No large walker. No flyers. Lots of infantry, such as the awesome new Vanguard Veterans.

And… a rather thorough release of plastic HQ sprues, including a new Space Marines Captain, a new Space Marines Librarian and a new Space Marines Chaplain, who may or may not become available only as part of a Reclusiam Command Squad box/package.

Either way, here’s a look at the three!

#1 – Space Marines Plastic Command

New Space Marines Codex Plastic Captain and Librarian

#2 – Ultramarine Centurions Devastators

There is also a new look at the new Space Marines Centurions in Ultramarines colours.

Space Marines Centurions

The Centurions are very obviously the most contentious new Warhammer 40K miniature from this release, if not from the entire year (Riptide, Wraithknight and all). The blue, however, shows them in a slightly more favourable light than the yellow of the Imperial Fists, I believe.

#3 – Thoughts?

The new Space Marines command seems nice. Having those guys in plastic can never hurt. I am big fan of the Librarian with the little cherub floating above his shoulder. The Chaplain, however, is (in my humble opinion) not quite as good as the Dark Angels Chaplain from the Dark Vengeance box. He is, however, free of the highly distinctive Dark Angels iconography.

What do you think?

How are you looking at the new Space Marines, now that we’ve all had a day or so to digest the first visuals?

Leave a comment!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


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  • jesse

    all i have to say about the centurions is this, “yo dawg i herd you liek guns and powered exoskeletons, so i put a powered exoskeleton with guns on your powered exoskeleton, so you can shoot while in a powered exoskeleton on your powered exoskeleton”

    seriously, they’re just silly and a bit redundant.

    • disqus_I1VIVQiPZK

      Powered armor is not an exo-skeleton, just saying

      • jesse

        actually they are, its part of what makes them powered, the exoskeleton and the armour are combined together, like the shell of a bug

  • belverker

    i really like the chaplain and the librarian, the captain is good too,
    The centurians are really growing on me, though they are still too static

  • Redmoo

    They do look so much better in those pictures. I think it is how ungainly they look with the drills hanging off them. Looking forward to seeing some good conversions of them though.

  • Jason75

    Centurions work, I think, in shooting mode. The close combat version just looks silly.

    I can see Chaos players Chaosing them to replace the truly awful Obliterators and Mutilators.

    The Vanguard look nice.

  • dynath

    Ok this has been bugging me a bit since I first saw the Centurions. But do they remind anyone else of Duke Nukem. Like the old Duke Nukem where enemies were more absurd. I squint at them and I see a pig cop in riot gear…

  • Brian Rice

    It’s like they decided that a squad of 5 Terminators was too many. Will have to wait for rules on these but I don’t really think Space Marines of all armies need less dudes in a squad.

  • Larkyn

    The Captain is just an old Black Reach captain with new new torso and head. Lame.

  • Jeff Martin

    Okay the need to lose the frigging cherub obsession….thankfully I have a few servitor skulls from the SM devastator squad I can use to replace baby chubby.

    • Zweischneid

      Having recently finished Aaron Dembski-Bowden’s Helsreach (where they have a few lobotimized babies fly around as Cherubs too), I found it to be a very “nice” touch.

      • Jeff Martin

        That one is one my book stand in the too read pile…hopefully it will get me to reconsider…still the servo bits are standing by. :P

  • durhaus

    They look retarded omg !

  • bad-mnky

    okies.. floating baby gota go that’s for sisters of battle…new command models should be done like company captain in power armour lots bits lots of options, commander needs terminator armour and bits for options.. with new company masters release a command release was bad choice …

  • Shaun Reid

    The Commander is based on the old boxed set commander from the 5th edition and looks nice. Will get one of them. The purity seals on the Chaplain look too thick to me.

  • Nikolas J. Holt

    I am excited about the Centurions as well as the new Chaplain. I can’t wait to get my hands on the Centurions. Hopefully they will be available for BA.

    • Zweischneid

      Going by previous examples, I would strongly doubt that Centurions will be available for Blood Angels/Dark Angels/Space Wolves (outside of allies with the regular Space Marines from the new Codex).

  • xander

    has anyone noticed the price of the captain
