New Warhammer 40K Up For Pre-Order

Warhammer 40K

The day has come. Games Workshop is offering their latest edition for their flagship game – Warhammer 40,000 – up for pre-order, roughly 22 months after the most recent “6th” Edition of Warhammer 40,000 was released.

Not much I can say at this point. There is a wealth of info on the new edition on this blog (and many others). If you haven’t been following along, here are some of the previews GW themselves put up:

The first preview in last week’s White Dwarf.

As well as prices, the starter box, and the flakey rumours preceding the new edition.

Last but not least, my pre-release opinion poll, if you haven’t voted yet.

Let me know what you think and if you’ll be playing 7th (soon)?




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review #40k #wargaming - 14 hours ago
  • Hive Senteniel

    You can’t even get the e-book version from the black library it’s a “bundle” that’ll cost you 109$! that’s some serious BS. I love GW/BL and all they do, but sorry that is some A+ con right there:( pretty cool with the hardback though love the set and the price increase was honestly expected so I’m good.

  • Ruska

    I’ve been spending more and more time playing other game systems, and I like GW less with every new announcement and release. Other companies have better game systems, real community engagement and support, and don’t come across as trying to squeeze their players for every dollar they can. I still think GW has the best models, but a) I actually like to play with my armies and b) I don’t like feeling ripped off when I buy a $50 book that has poorly written rules and rehashed fluff.

  • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

    I feel very pissed off having to buy a new book so soon after the last one, but I just shelled out the cash to Wayland (£42.50 including shipping). I would have held out for the starter, but I just can’t handle the tiny print in the small size book.

    40K is so sick right now I hope this improves it, but I am in two minds about what I’ve heard so far. Lots of small improvements, but the psychic phase could easily ruin the game the way the magic system has in 8th ed Fantasy.

    • Zweischneid

      Well, we’ll see. On the whole, 7th Ed. appears to have been written by the same people (more or less) as 6th Edition and the Codexes. I don’t expect groundbreaking changes (in the sense of quality getting better).

      • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

        Jervis seems firmly in charge, which does not bode well as he is least capable of the design team.

        Too much bling. I just need the rules, but can’t buy them separately, which is frustrating. £20 for the rule book and I’d have been happy. As it is GW have just made me even more disgruntled. They still got my money though, dammit, I’m weak! Just hope I’ll still have someone to play against once the dust settles.

    • Zweischneid

      But yes, just looking at the picture above (though it includes multiple versions), the amount of “bling” and paper they’ve added to “just the rules” is getting ever more ridiculous.

      In comparison…

      How other companies achieve the same thing…

      • Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation

        talking of free rulesets, I like this one:

        except for guessing distances, which puts me off just a little. I think my little men ought to know how far they can run! Still looks like fun.

        Giving away rules is a fantastic marketing ploy, because chances are you’d buy them anyway if you got into the game, which you are far more likely to do if you can read the rules first. GW know we are all invested already though, so I can see why this is more a tactic for new games.

  • archied

    Oh goody, the ibook version is a whole £5 cheaper. Pass.