Ork Rumours – Painboy, WD Exclusive Looted Wagon and Data Cards

Ork Nobs Charge
Some tiny Ork Rumours via Dakkadakka, on what might await us in next (the last?) week’s Ork releases.

Have a look!

this one came from a facebook post 

“Next week releases: Mek, an ugly (not in good way) Painboy, Codex, and a deck of cards (the 36 objectives card except 6 of them are Ork specific, plus 7 Psychic powers). The Gazghkull supplement is in the Warboss edition of the Codex. 

Looted Wagons are in the WD, with a big fat “WD exclusive” stamp so it’s pretty safe to assume they won’t be in the Codex. (A Looted Wagon with a cannon appears to cost less that the cannon upgrade alone was costing in the old codex).”


Let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.
The Crimson Slaughter Supplement - A Review http://t.co/DpnvdZlCsT #40k #wargaming http://t.co/tKtYqQrgz8 - 13 hours ago
  • ManticateGW

    Well I guess since you can now use any model you want with unbound the Looted Wagon has lost it’s purpose in GW’s eyes. Sigh! Looted Wagon conversion are the best!

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      That.. and, well, GW has been ruthlessly purging everything from their Codexes that doesn’t have an “official” model.

      The very idea of a looted wagon obviously sits a bit oddly with that policy.

      • Bobthemim

        Looted wagons used to be a gold mine for GW as people bought lemon russes and then orkified it.. which usually meant they bought 2 kits instead of 1.

        if they have it as a WD exclusive they may as well have scrapped it.. because people who dont buy the WD (me included) will miss out on something that has made orks fun to play for a long time… Looting.

        If they wanted to keep it as is, they could have made a Deathskulls/Evil Sunz only supplement (or a small section) that allowed for looted tanks from other codecii

        • http://nomadify.me/ Xavier

          Pretty sure it will show up in one of our forthcoming extra codex.

    • Hive Senteniel

      Well at least they’ll have updated rules in the new WD. I mean that’s not nearly as bad as total purge. apparently some of the Ork special characters like Badrukk are rumored to be going and let’s not forget how Tyranids lost a lot of Special Characters which upset some folks. So I suppose having a WD exclusive seems like a fair compromise.

  • http://www.flickr.com/photos/9360674@N04/sets/72157600510023664/ BrassScorpion

    One thing not listed in that rumor is something that has already been seen in the GW studio released photos, the new plastic Mega-Nobz. I would really like to know what the majority customer reaction has been to this Ork release being extended over so many weeks and even more importantly, what GW’s reaction has been to that.

    GW seems to be fishing around for a strategy that will boost their overall sales while completely missing all of the things they’ve done over the past few years themselves that have negatively impacted those same sales. They’ve basically slashed and burned the good will and fun that grew their customer base for their first 30 years and I doubt that any of the ideas they’re flogging now will compensate for that.

    • Waarghboss

      They are releasing in this way to flesh out the new weekly supplements of white dwarf. They should never have changed it from being monthly. A monthly release means more models being released at once so it’s more impressive and they don’t need to hold back on their codex to make their articles look new.

      • generalanvilpants

        This isn’t a new thing. They’re actually going back to weekly releases precisely because it DID work for them in the 90′s. Weekly releases are an “IN” for customer conversations whether that’s in the shops or Trade Sales calling up an Independent Retailer for an order (“Oh hi, here’s what’s new this week, how many would you like? BTW, since I have you on the line, let’s go over your restocks”)

        Getting contact with the customer on a weekly basis increases the likelihood of a sale. It’s one of the smartest business moves they’ve made in a decade.

  • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

    Well, they also got rid of Marbo, model or not.

    But generally, I agree. Most likely, Badrukk is still in

    • DarkStarSabre

      I’m personally hoping Marbo crops up in a Catachan supplement. The two characters existing sans model are Marbo and Doomrider – both of which were silly concepts and I think GW are trying to steer away from that.

  • http://nomadify.me/ Xavier

    Badrukk is listed as an HQ in the last WD battle report.