Soooo… Chaos Daemons.
Games Workshop is releasing new books for Warhammer 40K in rapid-fire mode. Tau are all over the place. The pre-orders will likely be up this weekend, even though Games Workshop’s latest release, the 6th Edition Chaos Daemons Codex is hardly a month old.
#1 – My Chaos Daemons Codex Conundrum
For a number of reasons, I find it difficult to write about the Chaos Daemons Codex, even though I am intrigued by the models.
I took a shot at writing a Codex Dark Angels Review, but the Daemons Codex still confuses me.
- I wasn’t a Daemons-player before (other than the “generic” ones in the old CSM-dex), so I cannot really comment on the changes.
- I don’t see the “new” Daemons on the table, so I cannot comment on playing against them.
- I kind fail at “theory-hammering” the Codex to get a good idea for what it “would be” like playing or playing against Chaos Daemons in Warhammer 40K 6th Edition
Luckily for me, I have a blog (hooray!). So a solution dawned on me: I am going ask my Pins of War readers (and the perhaps some of the rest of the interwebs if you spread this poll!).
#2 – How Do You Rate The Chaos Daemons Codex?
How Do You Rate The 6th Edition Chaos Daemons Codex?
- 5 - Brilliant (14%, 50 Votes)
- 4 - Above Average (33%, 121 Votes)
- 3 - Mediocre (28%, 103 Votes)
- 2 - Below Average (11%, 41 Votes)
- 1 - Atrocious (11%, 40 Votes)
- Other (pls explain in comments) (3%, 8 Votes)
Total Voters: 363

#3 – But… But… How Do I Rate?
The obvious reply is likely: How Do I Rate? What Do I Emphasize?
- Competitiveness?
- Fluff?
- Artwork?
- Fun Lists?
- Hobby Potential?
- Etc..?
Short answer: Any and all of them.
Give it a “well-rounded” rating, emphasizing the aspects you think are important. If you’re into the hobby-aspect, it’ll likely influence you more than a hard-core tournament-player.
The beauty of a public poll is that different people can like (or hate) a book for different reasons.
So go ahead and vote. And if you have time, share some of the thoughts and reasoning behind your vote in the comments!
Much appreciated.