I still cannot really get excited about their games, though I really liked the Hordes Gargantuans they put out. However, I greatly admire Privateer Press for its efforts to bring their wargaming forward to the digital age. Here, they always seem to be ahead of the curve compared to others. Now Privateer Press announced their Digital Reader App, which seems packed with options!
#1 – Privateer’s Announcement
Here is the recent press announcement from Privateer Press for their Digital Reader App.
BELLEVUE, WA, January 8, 2013 – Privateer Press announced “Privateer Press Digital,” a new reader app allowing users to purchase and read digital versions of No Quarter magazine, WARMACHINE and HORDES rulebooks, Iron Kingdoms roleplaying game books and material, and other content for Privateer games. LeewayHertz, a multinational software developer whose portfolio includes apps for major brands such as ESPN, NASCAR and the U.S. Army, is creating the app.
Privateer Press Digital will be available in the first quarter of 2013 for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.
Privateer Press Digital will launch with an extensive catalog of offerings, including all of the Mk II WARMACHINE and HORDES books, Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game: Core Rules, No Quarter Presents: Urban Adventure, and every issue of No Quarter released since the debut of WARMACHINE Mk II. The app will also feature free digital copies of rules for many of Privateer’s board and card games, WARMACHINE and HORDES errata and tournament documents, and special bonus content for the Iron Kingdoms roleplaying game.
Taking advantage of the digital format, Privateer Press Digital books will be kept up to date with the books’ most current errata and revisions.
“The Privateer Press Digital app offers players some incredible advantages,” said William Shick, Director of Business for Privateer Press. “From being able to carry stacks of books with you in one device to always knowing you have the most up-to-date rules and instant content delivery directly to your app, it’s easier than ever to read and reference books for your favorite Privateer Press games.”
Good to see that they’re taking the professional route on this. Should be quality stuff from the resume of the developer, though I am of course not one to judge that with any professional insight.
#2 – Some Teaser Screenshots
Though the App is not yet available and no information on prices has been revealed, some information can be gleaned from the pictures Privateer Press put on their homepage to teaser their latest digital product.

The Menu & Shop of Privateer Press Digital Reader App
As with Games Workshop’s digital offerings, the prices are still juicy. No $ 0.99 Apps or eBooks here, but there should be some savings if you forego reading on dead trees.
However, the selection seems meaty and, if forum-chatter is to be believed – will include loads of No Quarter back issues and similar goodies right from the start.

An example Page from the Digital Reader App
Going strictly by the example page of this screen shot, it looks mainly like a straight port of the print versions into a digital format. No fancy “in-page-galleries”, etc.. , that some of the Games Workshop downloads offer.
Than again, those always felt more distracting than helpful to me.
On the other hand, no-Apple-users will likely appreciate Privateer’s broader technological coverage. Limiting fancy effects that may not work easily across different platforms is likely one of the things that made this possible.

No Quarter on Privateer’s New Digital Reader
#3 – Your Thoughts?
So… Privateer fans?
Your turn!
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