Tau Riptide painted by Panagiotis Galanis
I’ve written a few posts on the new Tau Codex for Warhammer 40K. I have not yet addressed the elephant in the room: the new XV104 Riptide Battlesuit.
The Riptide is the biggest, most impressive miniature for the new range. It’s the answer to all those years of “big Tau robo-suit” wishlisting. It is also a surprisingly complex model to play.
There are three things that make the Riptide distinct. Three things to consider before fielding one.
- It’s a Jet Pack Monstrous Creature (!) with little taste for getting close and personal (it’s still a Tau!) and a huge footprint on the table.
- It’s weapons and equipment load-out.
- The Nova Reactor.
#1 – The Monstrous Tau
The Riptide is a Monstrous Creature. Though it might not be the kind of Monstrous Creature you run straight into enemy-lines to tear things up, it does bring advantages worth considering.
- As MC, the Riptide automatically passes all Dangerous Terrain test… so it can jump into woods or on top of impassable terrain (large enough for it to stand on) as much as it likes.
- While the XV104 isn’t much for close combat (WS2, I2), it can Smash vehicles in a pinch.
- It’s also the first Tau that causes Fear! Yeah, doesn’t mean much… but it is rather funny.
The Riptide also is resilient T6, five Wounds and a 2+/5++ save by default. Add to that, potentially, two Shielded Missile Drones with a 4++. It does take some shooting to wear that down (and many of your opponents will likely try to do it quick-and-dirty with a Sweeping Advance).
#2 – The Riptide Weapons
The Riptide has a primary and secondary weapons system. It also has the option to take up to two Support Systems and up to two Shielded Missile Drones. As a Tau Battlesuit, it also comes with a (redundant) Multi-Tracker and a Black Sun Filter.
- Ion Accelerator Riptide – The Watchful Eye
The most popular configuration will surely be the Ion Accelerator. It gives the Riptide the (former) Tau-signature range of 72″ with a Heavy 3 AP2 weapon. What’s not to like?
You can even overcharge it for a Large Blast, or nova-charge it for Ordinance.
I would stick with the Smart Missile System as secondary system. It has the best range, so you’re compromising the least on the range advantage. It also ignores cover and needs no line-of-sight.
Any Snipers out there hunting MCs?
- Heavy Burst Cannon Riptide – The Candle That Burns Twice As Bright…
The Heavy Burst Cannon is a far more tricky, likely reckless option. It has an impressive rate-of-fire, though it does force your Riptide to move more towards the mid-field.
The crux is, the Heavy Burst Cannon makes it far more tempting to use the Riptides Nova-Charge (risking a wound) to make it a Rending Heavy 12 Gets Hot! (yes, two 1s average) weapon.
This Riptide will be going through its Wounds faster than most opponents can manage (a 35 pts stimulant injector is likely a must-have, making this the more expensive Riptide in the end).
Bright Candle and all…, might as well stick it with TL-plasma as secondary weapons if you’re building a Riptide to go out in a plasma-fueled blaze of glory.
#3 – The Nova-Reactor
The Nova-Reactor is a defining piece of gear for the XV104 Riptide.
If you choose to activate it (in the Movement Phase), the Nova-Reactor has a 1-in-3 chance of doing nothing but causing a Wound. On a 3+, in contrast, you get your choice of a boost to weapons, defense or movement.
There’re essentially two ways to approach it.
The first, as likely used it with an Ion Accelerator Riptide, is to stay away from the Nova Reactor except for emergencies (or late-game “for-the-heck-of-it”). In other words, the Nova-Reactor might give you an edge getting out of trouble (with a 4D6 jump or a temporary 3++).
However, it isn’t a crucial part of the battle-plan as such.
The second, as likely used with the Heavy Assault Cannon, is setting up your Riptide (and other army elements) for the one or two key turns. In these turns, you want to use the Nova-Reactor.
And hope for a 3+!
While the latter sounds like fun, a 1/3 chance of fizzling (even if a Stim Injecter can help mitigate the damage) aren’t odds to bank on lightly. I am not 100% sure it is worth the investment, especially compared to the option of going with a more back-field Riptide (and perhaps a set of Helios XV8 Crisis Suits for the dirty front-line work).
#4 – Sample XV104 Configurations
1x XV104 Riptide with Ion Accelerator and Smart Missile System
- 2x Shielded Missile Drones
- Early warning override (and possibly a Velocity Tracker)
How to Use It: This is the Riptide to stay towards the back of your army, even tucked in a corner of the table, covering your army. He’s got the range. He’s got intercept, allowing you to plaster deep-strikers within his massive threat-range. Staying out of trouble, and using the Nova Reactor only sparingly, in times of dire need, this is a Riptide that should – ideally – survive the game.
If you are low on anti-aircraft, a Riptide with Velocity Tracker can double in that role as well.
1x XV104 Riptide with Heavy Burst Cannon and TL Plasma-Rifle
- 2x Shielded Missile Drone
- Stimulant Injector
How To Use it: This Riptide is looking for the right moment to pounce on a juicy target.
This doesn’t mean he’ll charge straight forward turn 1. Even with a Heavy Burst Cannon, the Riptide is a range combatant. Yet unlike the Ion Accelerator Riptide, who will stay in the backfield an entire battle (at least in theory), this version is waiting for the right opportunity to jump in an unload everything – burning the Nova-Reactor aggressively as it does so.
To be fank, I am not sure if it this is a bankable strategy. There is still a 1/3 chance your Nova Reactor will fizzle in that critical moment. A 12-shot Gets Hot! weapon is tough, even with FnP, on an expensive model like this (try having Shadowsun’s Command-Link Drone nearby!).
It’s does have massive damage potential though!
How about you?
Are you thinking of using a Riptide in your army? Have you already tried fielding it? What weapon (and support system) load-out would you recommend?
I am looking forward to your opinions!
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