Hero Forge Kickstarts Custom 3D Printed Miniatures

HeroForge 3D Printed Miniatures

3D Printing is rapidly becoming a far more readily available and affordable technology. For a while now, speculations and forecasts have been going around on how 3D Printing with change the tabletop wargaming world. The implications seem obvious, but so far, nobody has truly cracked the secret of making 3D-printed tabletop miniatures fly for a […]

Proxy Army – 3D Printed Miniatures for Everyone

Proxy Army Kickstarter Campaign

Starting a gaming company is expensive. Molds for miniatures cost thousands of dollars, making it hard for indie gaming companies to make their own minis. But what if every gamer could have fully custom miniatures, creating exact models of their D&D characters or fully original tabletop armies? We’re Proxy Army, and we want to make that happen. […]

The Shady Side of the Hobby

Warhammer 40K Warhound Titan Scam

The miniature games hobby is – for most people – a hobby. Even for people dealing with it as a business, making, selling or even painting wargaming miniatures for a living, it’s usually a lot of work on low margins. Aside from Mr. Tom Kirby himself, very few people will ever get rich in this […]

Wargaming and the 3D Printer Revolution

Tabletop Workshop

This is a guest post by Chris Ford of Tabletop Workshop. 3D printing is a wonderful technology, and as a plastics engineer in the toolmaking industry. I sometimes wonder how we managed without it all these years. A Brief Introduction to 3D Printing 3D printing has, for us, greatly altered the way we go about […]