It’s cool to see how people try to update the graphical references for building lists and armies in Warhammer 40K after the deluge of supplements and Codexes we’ve in past months. A short while ago, we saw an updated Allies Matrix (with a few mistakes, admittedly). Now we have an updated Force Organization Chart, which tries […]
A New Warhammer 40K Allies-Matrix

The 40K fans at Dakkadakka have been busy, and DJGietzen in particular, drafting a new, updated (and improved!) allies matrix for the game of Warhammer 40K at this point in time. Grey – Battle Brothers Yellow - Allies of Convenience Blue – Desperate Allies (anybody else think this colour-codes make no sense?) Red – Come […]
How To Use The New Dataslate Formations In Warhammer 40K?

Over the last few days, we saw Games Workshop Digital & Black Library’s new digital Advent Calendar shake up the game of Warhammer 40K. If the trend continues (almost a given with Eldar and Space Marines Formations to match the Tau Firebase Cadre Support Formation), army-list-building in 40K is suddenly very different from what most […]