Off Topic: And They Shall Know No Android

Off Topic Post

At the risk of stirring up (again) the proverbial hornet’s nest, I felt the need to share these two recent pictures from Apple (or rather, from Chitika) on the use of the iPad vs. alternative devices. Why? Simply because it is a discussion that keeps coming up in talking about Games Workshop’s bias for Apple’s […]

Eldar Codex Available for Android and Kindle

Warhammer 40K Eldar Farseer

Games Workshop’s decision to publish it’s Warhammer 40K Codex books (and Warhammer Fantasy Army books) as eBooks is still a fairly new one, all things considered. Thus far, GW’s eBook publications (as opposed to Black Library’s eBook publications) have been limited to publications for Apple devices, notably the iPad. Now, Games Workshop expanded the range […]

New Digital Reader App from Privateer Press

Privateer Press Novels

I still cannot really get excited about their games, though I really liked the Hordes Gargantuans they put out. However, I greatly admire Privateer Press for its efforts to bring their wargaming forward to the digital age. Here, they always seem to be ahead of the curve compared to others. Now Privateer Press announced their […]

Star Wars Dice App by Fantasy Flight Games

Star Wars X-Wing

There are few things that are – to my mind – nearly as ingrained in the tabletop experience as the clatter of the dice. Seeing them bounce across the table, usually to knock over my minis, fall under the table or end up loop-sided in a piece of terrain with a six that doesn’t count, […]