Off Topic: Sand Drawing to Illustrate the Numbers of Fallen at D-Day

D Day Sand Painting

Yesterday – June 6th, 2014 – marked the 70th anniversary of D-Day, when allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy in France. It’s one of the most famous battles of the past century, and depicted in famous movies such as The Longest Day or Saving Privat Ryan. There were many types of commemorations, political […]

Artwork for Unremembered Empire – What will be in Dan Abnett’s next Heresy Novel?

Unremembered Empire Sanguinius

Here is a quick Black Library update as I work on a longer article. Late yesterday (UK time), Black Library unveiled the cover art for Dan Abnett‘s upcoming Horus Heresy novel ‘Unremembered Empire’. Rumours abound, not least due to the teasing title, on what this novel will be about. There is still mystery left in […]