Starting A Tau Army: A 500 Pts. Battleforce Starter List

Warhammer 40K Tau Starter Army

The question came up in the comments to my Tau Codex review, and it is clearly a key question for anyone setting out into Warhammer 40K hobby: How do I get started building my army? I am going to try giving a more thorough answer – for the 6th Edition Tau – here. #1 – […]

New Tau Empire Battleforce: What About Troops?

Warhammer 40K New Tau

Here is an interesting question to ponder. Along with the new Tau Empire Miniatures, Games Workshop is releasing a new Battleforce. So much so basic. However, most existing Battleforces come with a healthy selection of Troop Choices – usually at least 2 – giving players a solid start into their army collection. Looking at the […]