Review – Ravage Gaming Magazine #9

Review Ravage Magazine 9

By good fortune, I got my hands on another copy of the Ravage Miniatures Gaming Magazine: Issue #9, after Ravage #5 I read in January and again in a printed version, and not for the iPad. Time for a review! This issue is titled August-September 2013, so it isn’t truly up-to-date (and feels more dated […]

Golem Arcana Kickstarts – Is it Good for Half a Million?

golem Arcana Kickstarter

Back in July, first pictures and ideas were revealed for Golem Arcana, a “digitally enhanced” tabletop miniatures game from the makers Shadowrun Returns, Battletech and other things. The game is hitting the miniatures gaming niche from the video-game side of the world, though the idea of having a miniatures game interwoven with digital stats, automated […]