The Crimson Slaughter Supplement – A Review

Crimson Slaughter

The Crimson Slaughter might be the last of the “old school” 6th Edition-style supplements, as “supplements” (or should that now be “sub-Codexes”?) from here on out appear to be stand-alone Militarum Tempestus style books. The Crimson Slaughter book also has a bad rep, mostly because it exists, and the Night Lords/Iron Warriors/whatever-supplement doesn’t. However, it is […]

Path of the Archon by Andy Chambers – Book Review

Path of the Archon Book Review

Path of the Archon is the third and last book of Andy Chamber’s Dark Eldar trilogy. Three books in, Andy Chambers is clearly at the top of his game in bringing the Dark City to life. Unfortunately, the story doesn’t live up to the glorious setting and scenery Andy Chambers rolls out. Too often it […]

Scars – Audio Book Review

Scars Audiobook Review

Scars is the unabridged audiobook version of the novel of the same name, written by Chris Wraight as his first Horus Heresy. Originally, Scars was published as a “web series” with chapters of the book released one at a time. I couldn’t be bothered at the time. As the title suggests, Scars focuses on the […]

Sigmar’s Blood by Phil Kelly – A Review

Sigmar's Blood Book Review

I managed to pick up a copy of Phil Kelly’s Sigmar’s Blood (for free!). Vampires, Witch Hunters, grimdark Fantasy! What could go wrong? Well, I wasn’t really impressed however. Sigmar’s Blood is hectic and jumbled and, for me, fails to really create the mood and theme necessary for its, at first glance, interesting premise. Also, […]

Combat Camera by Christian Hill – Book Review

Combat Camera Book Review

Combat Camera by Christian Hill is his account of a 4-month tour as leader of a Combat Camera team from the British Media Operations Group. By virtue of his job, the author had an unmatched opportunity to witness, first-hand, the British military effort in Afghanistan in all its diversity; perilous and bureaucratic, disturbing and mundane. […]

The Art of Ian Miller – A Review

The Art of Ian Miller

Ian Miller is a British fantasy illustrator and writer  known for his quirky etched gothic style and macabre sensibility. He worked as an illustrator of fantasy art since the mid-1970s. Ian Miller helped define the visual style of many early Games Workshop publications, including the Realm of Chaos supplement and the first edition of Warhammer 40.000, but also drew […]

The Imperial Knight Companion – Review

Imperial Knights Compendium

Releasing the new Imperial Knights for Warhammer 40K, Games Workshop gave it their all. Not only is there the new miniature and the new Codex, there is also The Imperial Knight Companion, a pure collectors book of Art, Heraldry, Pictures and Background. Games Workshop did a lot of picture and art books in their time. […]

Knights of the Imperium by Graham McNeill – Book Review

Graham McNeill

Graham McNeill wrote the companion story for the release of the Imperial Knights – Knights of the Imperium (not the most creative title!) – a 125 page novella showcasing the varieties of Knights, their outlook on war and their relationship with the Adeptus Mechanicus. The story fulfills its purpose of showcasing the Imperial Knights and […]

Ender’s Game – Book Review

enders game

A while ago I saw Ender’s Game the movie. It’s one of those “classic sci-fi books” that’s been on my “to-read” list for years. The movie made me buy the book. Ender’s Game is a surprisingly spartan and minimalist piece of writing. Judging from the movie, which often felt like it was rushing things, I expected […]

First and Only by Dan Abnett – Review

First and Only

Black Library’s first published novel. Dan Abnett’s first published novel. The start of a book series running into .. 14 (?) books by now: First and Only! Is the book any good? Is it even possible to review it “fairly”? I might not be able to answer the second question, though I can answer the […]