Alright, the list I posted yesterday did not work. Shows me for assuming things about a supplement I don’t own! Many thanks to everyone pointing out the flaws. Hello,I was reading your article: and love the idea you’re giving suggestions. However I blindly bought a random Tau set, the Pathfinder team, and was wondering how you […]
From the Inbox: 500 Point Tau Army with Pathfinders
40K Rules Conundrum: Interceptor & Overwatch in the same turn?
A little rules conundrum I came across in Warhammer 40K, which I thought I’d share (not least to get some opinions). Can a unit in Warhammer 40K with the Interceptor special rule fire its weapon twice during the opponent’s turn, once using Interceptor and once using the Overwatch rule? #1 – A Day in Warhammer […]
GW’s Second Advent Calendar – Tau Fire Support Cadre
Ok. I am sorry. I promise my blog will not mimic Games Workshop’s Digital Advent Calender for the whole month, but there is a lot of interesting things coming out of it. Yesterday, we saw a new (and powerful) Character for Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons (and the two Chaos Fantasy armies). Today, the […]
Codex: Tau Empire – Review
With all the new excitement surrounding the upcoming Farsight Enclaves Supplement, I thought I should finally sit down and write down my thoughts on the 6th Edition Tau Empire Codex. Plentiful Options or Bland Gun-Line? There seem to be more or less two opinions on the new Tau Codex out there. On one hand people […]