New Character for Warhammer 40K – Be’lakor: The Dark Master

Be'lakor the Dark Master

December is upon us and Christmas fast approaching. As expected, Games Workshop (Black Library, to be exact) has renewed their Advent Calendar, offering a new digital goody ever day. Unlike last year’s Black Library short stories, this year’s Advent Calendar launched with a beast: Be’lakor – The Dark Master and believed to be the first […]

Good Random and Bad Random in Miniature Games

Totally Random

If you spend time reading miniature wargaming blogs or forums in the past year or two, you may have come across arguments that look like this one: “Game X has too much randomness. There is no point playing – no “player-skill” involved in playing – when arbitrary dice rolls decide the whole game.“ “Game X […]

Poll: The Best 6th Edition Codex for Warhammer 40K?

Warhammer 40K Poll

I recently posted a review of the Codex: Tau Empire for Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. Overall, I thought the Tau Codex is one of the better new Codexes for Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. Evidently, not everyone agrees. Which leads me to a simple question: What is – in your opinion – the best 6th Edition […]

Warhammer 40K Apocalypse – White Dwarf July 2013!

White Dwarf July 2013 Cover

The Eldar are only out this weekend. The June 2013 White Dwarf has been out for a week. Somewhat prematurely, the cover of the July 2013 White Dwarf appeared on the interwebs. The cover previews a Khorne unit and promises news for Warhammer 40K Apocalypse. Have a look! #1 – Leaked July 2013 White Dwarf […]

Is GW Really Releasing More Stuff For Warhammer 40K?

Games Workshop Company

Since the arrival of Warhammer 40K 6th Edition, and in particular in this first half of 2013, Games Workshop updated an unprecedented number of Codexes. The first half of 2013 saw 4 new Warhammer 40K Codexes: Dark Angels, Tau Empire, Chaos Daemons and, in June, the Eldar. Undeniably, Games Workshop changed how new stuff is released for […]

Poll: How Do You Rate the Chaos Daemons Codex?

Warhammer Chaos Daemons 40K

Soooo… Chaos Daemons. Games Workshop is releasing new books for Warhammer 40K in rapid-fire mode. Tau are all over the place. The pre-orders will likely be up this weekend, even though Games Workshop’s latest release, the 6th Edition Chaos Daemons Codex is hardly a month old. #1 – My Chaos Daemons Codex Conundrum For a number of […]

A Short Daemonette History

Masque of Slaanesh

Chaos Daemons is obviously one of those armies that goes back long, long ways in Warhammer and Warhammer 40K. From the entire range, one of the most interesting (and most susceptible to change) are the Daemonettes. Where, say, the Rogue Trader-era Bloodletters looked essentially like they look today (mini-Devils), the visuals for Games Workshop’s Daemonette went through […]

Chaos Daemons RAW – Psyker Prince of Khorne

Khorne Daemon Prince

Spelling mistakes and copy-&-paste errors can make for cute RAW (rules as written) rulings in Warhammer 40K. Here’s one to not try at your friendly neighborhood game store: the Khorne Psyker Daemon Prince! #1 – Chaos Daemons Daemon Prince RAW Here is the Daemon Prince entry from the Army List presented in the 6th Edition […]

How Useful Are The Daemon Hellforged Artefacts?

Warhammer 40K Daemon Prince of Khorne

A short list of unique and (ideally) flavourful items, which represent highly iconic weapons, relics and artifacts of an army, have become a standard feature in Warhammer 40K with all 6th Edition Codexes. For Chaos Space Marines, the artefacts were largely alright, but at times a bit on the timid (and pricey) side. For Dark Angels, GW’s team dropped […]

Warhammer 40K Limited Edition Fatigue?

I am not Special. I am just a limited edition

An interesting Newsletter arrived today from Games Workshop. It appears there are still quite a few Limited Edition Warhammer Army Books and Warhammer 40K Codices left for Chaos Daemons. This, by itself, seems surprising after the Limited Edition Chaos Space Marines Codex and the Limited Edition Dark Angels Codex sold out in a few hours. Even […]