What the HelDrake?

Chaos Space Marines Heldrake

I have to ask: Did Games Workshop drop the ball on Heldrakes with their last FAQ? What am I talking about, you are asking? Well, Games Workshop latest Chaos Space Marines codex FAQ (pdf link) ruled that a Heldrake’s ranged weapons are to be treated as “Turret Mounted Weapons“! Q: How do I determine the […]

3 More Titbits from the August 2013 White Dwarf

White Dwarf Cover

Games Workshop’s August 2013 White Dwarf will be hitting shops and letter boxes this weekend. The big news are, of course, new Lizardmen for Warhammer Fantasy Battle. However, those with early copies of the White Dwarf gleaned a few more interesting titbits from its pages. Here are three interesting bits: #1 – Black Legion Codex […]

Best Chaos Space Marine Units by FOC – A Hit List

Warhammer 40K: Codex Chaos Space Marines

I wrote a hit-list of this kind for Dark Angels a short while back. Yesterday’s Heldrake post had me pouring over the 6th Edition Chaos Space Marines codex again. So I wanted to give the Traitor Marines a list of this sort too, especially as I never got around to writing a proper review for […]

Warhammer 40K: “Crimson” Teaser Trailer

New Chaos Logo from Crimson

Games Workshop is unlocking one teaser after another to build up interest for the release of their 6th Edition Starter Box on the 25th. Since some of the White Dwarf Pictures of the contents have been leaked, most people have a good idea of what is coming. Games Workshop’s latest 40K teaser is titled “Crimson” […]