The Crimson Slaughter Supplement – A Review

Crimson Slaughter

The Crimson Slaughter might be the last of the “old school” 6th Edition-style supplements, as “supplements” (or should that now be “sub-Codexes”?) from here on out appear to be stand-alone Militarum Tempestus style books. The Crimson Slaughter book also has a bad rep, mostly because it exists, and the Night Lords/Iron Warriors/whatever-supplement doesn’t. However, it is […]

Black Library Previews Clan Raukaan Codex Supplement

Clan Raukaan Space Marines Supplement

Holy!  These guys are relentless. You thought Games Workshop’s Codex and Army Book release-schedule in 2013 was fast? Games Workshop Digital is clearly aiming to put their print-supplement colleagues to shame. Codex Inquisition isn’t even released yet, and previews are gearing up for the Iron Hands Space Marines Codex Supplement: Clan Raukaan. #1 – Black […]

Thoughts on the Latest Sentinels of Terra Preview

Imperial Fist Codex Supplement

Games Workshop’s Digital Edition’s team has started the facebook-preview-machine for the upcoming Sentinels of Terra supplement. If their Adepta Sororitas previews are anything to go by, it’ll be a torrent of stuff that I cannot possibly all cover here. So do follow their Facebook-Page! Still, I thought I give a few thoughts on their latest preview, […]

Warhammer 40K Codex Adepta Sororitas Cover

Adepta Sororitas Codex Cover

In today’s Newsletter, Games Workshop unveiled the new cover art for the upcoming digital Codex: Adepta Sororitas. The initial art shown in the White Dwarf preview was older, recycled artwork, but this one appears to be a newly commissioned piece? At least I haven’t seen it before. Update: The digital Codex: Adepta Sororitas is now […]

Black Legion Supplement Up For Pre-Order On iTunes

Warhammer 40K Chaos Star

Almost unnoticed among the all noise surrounding the new (Loyalist) Space Marines miniatures, the Chaos Space Marines of the Black Legion reared their head over on iTunes. Games Workshop’s third Warhammer 40K Codex supplement – after the Iyanden Book and the Farsight Supplement – is now available for pre-order. Like the Farsight supplement (which has […]

Farsight Enclaves Codex an Editing Nightmare?

Farsight Supplement

Games Workshop latest Codex Supplement for Warhammer 40K – Farsight Enclaves – is out today. The more people pour over the (e)book, the more it becomes clear that the supplement suffers from a particular bad case of unclear rules and bad editing. I sure make my share of mistakes writing on, likely far more than […]

7 Facts On The Farsight Enclaves Codex Supplement

Farsight Supplement

Today Games Workshop released both the Warhammer 40K Rulebook and the new Farsight Enclaves Supplement as digital downloads. I am still lacking an e-Reader, so I’ll probably have to wait three months or so before I get a personal look at the Farsight Enclaves Supplement. However, as people get their hands on the (digital) book, […]

Tau Empire Farsight Bomb – Is This The End?

Commander Farsight Warhammer 40K Tau Empire

The Farsight Enclaves Supplement for Codex Tau is nearly upon us. Among the previews shown by Games Workshop, a suspicious line was spotted that strongly hints at a possible FoC-switch-up – to make Crisis Suits troops – that would doubtlessly change how the 40K-community thinks about Commander Farsight on the table. Time for a brief […]

Farsight Codex Supplement Available For Pre-Order

Farsight Supplement

Today, Games Workshop opened pre-orders for the digital edition of their second-ever Codex Supplement: Codex Farsight Enclaves. I am still somewhat puzzled by the idea of “pre-ordering” a digital book, and a bit disappointed by the lack of a paper version. The art-previews look rather good. Rumours have it, a hardback version of the Farsight […]