Farsight Enclaves Codex an Editing Nightmare?

Farsight Supplement

Games Workshop latest Codex Supplement for Warhammer 40K – Farsight Enclaves – is out today. The more people pour over the (e)book, the more it becomes clear that the supplement suffers from a particular bad case of unclear rules and bad editing. I sure make my share of mistakes writing on pinsofwar.com, likely far more than […]

7 Facts On The Farsight Enclaves Codex Supplement

Farsight Supplement

Today Games Workshop released both the Warhammer 40K Rulebook and the new Farsight Enclaves Supplement as digital downloads. I am still lacking an e-Reader, so I’ll probably have to wait three months or so before I get a personal look at the Farsight Enclaves Supplement. However, as people get their hands on the (digital) book, […]

Codex: Tau Empire – Review

Warhammer Tau Broadside Battlesuit

With all the new excitement surrounding the upcoming Farsight Enclaves Supplement, I thought I should finally sit down and write down my thoughts on the 6th Edition Tau Empire Codex. Plentiful Options or Bland Gun-Line? There seem to be more or less two opinions on the new Tau Codex out there. On one hand people […]

Tau Empire Farsight Bomb – Is This The End?

Commander Farsight Warhammer 40K Tau Empire

The Farsight Enclaves Supplement for Codex Tau is nearly upon us. Among the previews shown by Games Workshop, a suspicious line was spotted that strongly hints at a possible FoC-switch-up – to make Crisis Suits troops – that would doubtlessly change how the 40K-community thinks about Commander Farsight on the table. Time for a brief […]

Farsight Codex Supplement Available For Pre-Order

Farsight Supplement

Today, Games Workshop opened pre-orders for the digital edition of their second-ever Codex Supplement: Codex Farsight Enclaves. I am still somewhat puzzled by the idea of “pre-ordering” a digital book, and a bit disappointed by the lack of a paper version. The art-previews look rather good. Rumours have it, a hardback version of the Farsight […]

Which Tau Special Character is Worth Taking?

Shadowsun Book Review Black Library

Warhammer 40K Tau Special Characters! Tau was the first 6th Edition Codex which received new special characters. After lamenting the lack thereof in the Chaos Space Marines and Dark Angels Codex, I am excited to see some fresh blood added to the roster again. Time to take a closer look! #1 – Commander Farsight Hero […]

3 Changes I Like In The New Tau Empire Codex

Tau Codex Cover

Finally, I had the time to page through the new Tau Empires Codex a bit. Slow delivery and all means I’ll probably have to wait until next week-end to give the Codex a quality reading. Still, in my initial page-flipping, there are a few things that struck me as nice changes or additions for the […]

New Tau Special Characters?

New Commander Farsight Miniature for Warhammer 40K

Rumours about future GW releases are always a fickle thing. This one, however, excites me. If the rumour-mongers are correct, the new Codex for Tau Empires will break with one of the most lamentable trends in Warhammer 40K 6th Edition: the lack of new Special Characters iconic to a Warhammer 40K faction or army. It […]

4 More Pics For The New Tau

Warhammer 40K New Tau

Here are four more pictures of the miniatures for the new Tau Empire book from Dakkadakka. They include shots of the Tau Riptide, the new Flyers, the Pathfinders and a new (?) Farsight. Take a look and let me know what you think! Oh, btw, rumours have it that the Codex Author is Jeremy Vetock. […]