Forge World’s Imperial Armour Volume Twelve: The Fall of Orpheus pitches, among other things, the Minotaurs Space Marines Chapter against Necrons. I haven’t read the book, but apparently it includes a named Contemptor from the Minotaurs Chapter: Hecaton Aiakos. Now, Forge World released the miniature for this named Contemptor. Greek-themed Space Marines at their finest. Hecaton Aiakos Painted […]
5 Pictures from Forge World Open Day 2013
Forge World Open Day 2013 is up and running. The product Forge World placed front and centre has clearly been their latest Necron-themed Imperial Armour Campaign Book for Warhammer 40K. That is not all to gawk at on the Forge World Open Day 2013, however. Here are 5 interesting pictures from the event, which is […]
Emperor’s Children Legion Contemptor Dread
For a long time, Forge World has made it a point to supplement the range of Space Marine miniatures with every conceivable Dreadnought variant one could think of. Forge World seems committed to repeat this with their unique Contemptor Dreadnoughts, mainly (these days) for their Horus Heresy line. The latest addition is the Emperor’s Children Legion Contemptor Dreadnought. […]