Just a day or so ago, CoolMiniOrNot finished a highly successful Kickstarter for Arcadia Quest, a (some say Super Dungeon Explorer-inspired) Chibi-Dungeon Crawler with a PvP twist. Chibi is not my thing, admittedly. Now CMON reverse gear entirely in theme, and launched a website with a Starship Troopers / Space Hulk (?) / Sedition Wars […]
Review – Ravage Gaming Magazine #9
By good fortune, I got my hands on another copy of the Ravage Miniatures Gaming Magazine: Issue #9, after Ravage #5 I read in January and again in a printed version, and not for the iPad. Time for a review! This issue is titled August-September 2013, so it isn’t truly up-to-date (and feels more dated […]
Kickstarter & Licensed Intellectual Property
Mantic Games is getting ready to kickstart a new miniatures board game: Mars Attacks. And doing so, they may well herald a new chapter in the miniature wargaming industry, or at least the Kickstarter-driven side of it. Mantic is now combining two ends of the wargaming industry I would’ve thought were polar opposites: Crowd-funded games […]
CMON’s Ravage Magazine on Amazon Kindle and iTunes!
CoolMiniOrNot’s English translation of the French miniature painting and hobby magazine Ravage is now available electronically, both on iTunes and on Amazon’s Kindle Store (United States only). #1 – CMON’s Ravage Gaming Magazine #2 – Thoughts? Ravage is a pretty cool hobby magazine, considering that the majority of the content is sponsored by various miniatures gaming […]
5 of my Favourite Miniatures from Crystal Brush 2013
This weekend is the big weekend of wargaming conventions. In London, Salute 2013 saw Mantic Games pull the veil of their Warpath Deadzone offerings, which will hit Kickstarter on Friday. In Chicago, Adepticon is in full swing, and with it CoolMiniOrNot’s Crystal Brush painting competition. I was not able to attend either. Hopefully next year. […]
Games Workshop Shuts Down Internet Retailers
The new Tau miniatures have been hogging most of the blogoshpere headlines the last few days. However, another hot item were rumours about Games Workshop’s new retailer policy. Early whispers had it (correctly) that GW was putting in place tighter regulations to clamp down on bitz-resellers (with a GW trade-account, not those cutting up GW-kits […]
Kaos Ball: CMON Challenges Mantic’s DreadBall?
CoolMiniOrNot just announced the miniatures sports game of Kaos Ball through their TTGN-blog. Kaos Ball is/will be a miniatures sports game designed by Eric Lang. #1 – The CMON Press Announcement Read the full press-release here! Kaos Ball is a new kind of fantasy sports game, combining rugby-style passing finesse and first person shooter domination-style […]
Interview – James Wappel
James Wappel! He paints like the devil, runs an awe-inspiring miniature-painting blog, and is about to launch a Kickstarter for a massive line of “learning-to-paint-miniatures”-DVDs. When I first heard of his Kickstarter plans, I knew I had to ask him a few questions. “Painting-Kickstarters”, so far, had a harder time than games and miniatures. If […]
Interview – Rivet Wars
A fascinating and unique game launches on Kickstarter soon is Rivet Wars; a World War I inspired board game with a distinct style. Ted Terranova – the creative behind Rivet Wars – was kind enough to talk to me about what inspires his game and miniatures, about Kickstarter, his partnership with CoolMiniOrNot, and his future plans for […]