X-Wing Miniatures Wave 4: The E-Wing

X-Wing E-Wing Fighter

Fantasy Flight Games revealed the 4th wave of X-Wing Miniatures. They are scheduled for the second Quarter of 2014, though delays are not unknown with these miniatures. Unlike the majority of previous X-Wing miniatures, all the new ships come from the Star Wars Extended Universe. I’ll be honest and say, that the E-Wing, the pricier, more […]

X-Wing Wave 4 Revealed!

X-Wing Miniatures Wave 4

Fantasy Flight just put up some information about the next wave of ships for their incredibly successful X-Wing Miniatures game. Though I am excited for things like the Imperial Aces, these are some genuine new ships, including the Z-95 Headhunter and the Tie Phantom! Wow! From Fantasy Flight Games Each of the wave’s four starfighters […]