How Good Are the New Tyranid Flyers?

New Tyranids Codex Hive Crone

There was a time when, every time a new Codex was released, I first looking up the new Flyers that almost inevitably came with each new Warhammer 40K release. For the most part (Dark Angels, Tau Empire, etc….), they were rather lackluster entries in their respective Codex. Is the same true for the new Tyranids Harpy […]

New Eldar Flyer Rumours: Nightshade and Hemlock?

Warhammer Eldar Flyers

I am still in the middle of digesting the new Tau Empire Codex. Despite this, Games Workshop’s recent breakneck speed seems to continue unabated, with Craftworld Eldar apparently up next. Though I have no way to back-up or verify the rumours floating about, I thought I’d share these flowery whispers about the upcoming Eldar Codex, simply […]