Eldar Ghost Warriors – Is it any Good?

Eldar Wraithknight

I have to admit, there is a certain excitement to Games Workshop’s digital advent calendar, simply because these releases do indeed shake up the game (if you use them), at least the formations and data-slates do (though the motive clearly is to push the Christmas bundles). We’ve had two so far (for Warhammer 40K): The […]

5 Golden Demon Winning Eldar Miniatures

Demon Winning Eldar Miniatures

The Eldar are back! After weeks of silence with only a rare few whispers on the next Codex-release for Warhammer 40K, news finally broke: The Craftworld Eldar arrive with a shiny new 6th Edition Codex and new miniatures, including the massive (allegedly Baneblade-priced) Wraithknight. That said, Craftworld Eldar are not getting a complete make-over like […]

The Eldar Wraithknight Arrives – A Review!

Eldar Wraithknight

The Eldar Wraithknight has arrived. Games Workshop seems to shoot for a slightly different visual style with their new range of Eldar Miniatures for Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. Time for a first review! How do the new 6th Edition Eldar miniatures compare to the existing Eldar in Warhammer 40K? Read on! #1 – A First Glimpse […]