7 Facts On The Farsight Enclaves Codex Supplement

Farsight Supplement

Today Games Workshop released both the Warhammer 40K Rulebook and the new Farsight Enclaves Supplement as digital downloads. I am still lacking an e-Reader, so I’ll probably have to wait three months or so before I get a personal look at the Farsight Enclaves Supplement. However, as people get their hands on the (digital) book, […]

One Year Of Warhammer 40K 6th Edition – A Retrospection


Oddly unnoticed (at least by me), June saw the 1st anniversary of Warhammer 40K 6th Edition!! It’s been (only? alreadly?) a year since Games Workshop released the latest new edition of their most successful miniatures wargame, which arguably happens to be the most successful miniature wargame worldwide: Warhammer 40K. Even though I am late, I thought […]