How Good Are the New Tyranid Flyers?

New Tyranids Codex Hive Crone

There was a time when, every time a new Codex was released, I first looking up the new Flyers that almost inevitably came with each new Warhammer 40K release. For the most part (Dark Angels, Tau Empire, etc….), they were rather lackluster entries in their respective Codex. Is the same true for the new Tyranids Harpy […]

What the HelDrake?

Chaos Space Marines Heldrake

I have to ask: Did Games Workshop drop the ball on Heldrakes with their last FAQ? What am I talking about, you are asking? Well, Games Workshop latest Chaos Space Marines codex FAQ (pdf link) ruled that a Heldrake’s ranged weapons are to be treated as “Turret Mounted Weapons“! Q: How do I determine the […]

One Year Of Warhammer 40K 6th Edition – A Retrospection


Oddly unnoticed (at least by me), June saw the 1st anniversary of Warhammer 40K 6th Edition!! It’s been (only? alreadly?) a year since Games Workshop released the latest new edition of their most successful miniatures wargame, which arguably happens to be the most successful miniature wargame worldwide: Warhammer 40K. Even though I am late, I thought […]

A Closer Look at the New Craftworld Eldar Flyers

Warhammer 40K Eldar Hemlock Fighter

The latest 6th Edition Codex for Warhammer 40K – the Eldar – continues the pattern of introducing two flyers per army. For the Eldar, it is the Crimson Hunter Aspect Warrior in the Nightshade Interceptor and the more arcane Hemlock Wraithfighters, piloted by an Eldar Spiritseer. I do love the new models for the Eldar […]

Death From The Skies Now a Digital Download

Death From the Skies

Games Workshop’s Flyer-supplement for Warhammer 40K – Death From The Skies – is now available to pre-order as a digital download for the iPad. The release date is April 20th. Death From The Skies is certainly one of the most controversial GW releases in recent months. A large part of the controversy was grounded in […]