Forge World Pics – Imperial Knight Lancer & Tyranids!

imperial knight lancer painted

Forge World Open Day is up and running. A few attendants are sending pictures, among them the first shots of Forge World’s Imperial Knight Lancer and a new Tyranid Monster. Credit for these pictures goes to, who are sharing stuff via their Facebook page (a lot more than shown here, so check them out!). […]

Forge World Gearing Up For Open Day

Forge World Space Marines Falcon

Forge World is warming up for their upcoming Forge World open day. Unsurprisingly, the Horus Heresy dominates all. Here are the miniatures and books previewed for the event! #1 – The Isstvan Campaign Collectors Edition The Isstvan Campaign Collector’s Edition £145 #2 – Horus Heresy Book 3: Extermination The Horus Heresy Book Three – Extermination […]

Forge World Previews IA12 – The Fall of Orpheus

Forge World New Releases

Forge World Open Day 2013 is fast approaching (this Sunday actually). Forge World put up previews for the event-exclusive miniatures (a Death Korps of Krieg Quartermaster for Warhammer 40K and an Empire Warrior Priest for Warhammer Fantasy). They also uploaded pages from the coming Imperial Armour 12 book, which will pitch Necrons (with the new Night Shroud […]