Review: The Imperial Truth – A Horus Heresy Anthology

Imperial Truth Horus Heresy Anthology

Another event-exclusive book I took home from Games Day 2013: The Imperial Truth! The Imperial Truth is an anthology of 6 Horus Heresy stories. Unlike the “regular” Space Marines 2013 Games Day Anthology, these are proper “full-sized” short stories. Also, for being a Horus Heresy anthology, there were surprisingly few Space Marines stories in The […]

The Unremembered Empire by Dan Abnett – A Review

Book Review The Unremembered Empire

I bought a few books on Games Day 2013, including Dan Abnett’s The Unremembered Empire! This is an experiment in many ways, not least because I well and truly gave up reading the Horus Heresy series in order of its publication with this one. I also got a rather strange signature from Dan Abnett (see above!). Anyhow… […]

Games Day 2013 Space Marines Anthology – Review

Space Marines Anthology Novel

Games Day 2013. I’ve written a blog post “from the hip” about my (for the most part) general disappointment with UK Games Day 2013, especially compared with UK Games Day 2012. One of the few things I did pick up at Games Day (no Games Day miniature for me this year) was a few Black […]

Sales Day 2013 – The Games Day Without Games…

UK Games Day 2013

Games Workshop’s UK Games Day 2013. Let’s get the basics out first. I didn’t really enjoy this year’s Games Day. Not nearly as much as I enjoyed Games Day 2012. Not everything was bad at this year’s Games Day and I see why some of the changes were made – in theory. The most change, […]

Sentinels of Terra – The First Space Marines Supplement

Imperial Fist Codex Supplement

Games Day is coming to a close. Once again, it was a fine event, though the reduced numbers and the lack of gaming made it a very different beast from last year’s Games Day. I’ll write a more in-depth post tomorrow or so, but here’s a quick update with two “newsy” items. #1 – Sentinels […]

Forge World Fire Raptor & Deimos Pattern Vindicator

Forge World New Releases

Games Day UK is less than a week away, and Forge World is showing off more Games Day Previews: The Space Marines Fire Raptor and the Deimos Pattern Vindicator Tank. Lots of fancy toys for your Space Marines army! Have a look! #1 – Space Marines Fire Raptor The Fire Raptor is priced at £95.00. No […]

Emperor’s Children Phoenix Guard Terminators


Forge World is treating us with a special gift this Friday. I would’ve expected them to release some of the Word Bearer Space Marines previewed in the most recent White Dwarf. Instead, the elite Phoenix Guard of the Emperor’s Children take the battlefield! The Phoenix Guard featured in the novel Fulgrim. Given how closely Forge […]

5 Fantastic Miniatures From Games Day Germany 2013

Pictures from Games Day Germany 2013

August 11th was the date of this years Games Workshop Games Day Germany. Though it appears Games Workshop did not reveal any new miniatures on this Games Day (such as.. well… Space Marines), the internet is overflowing with all sorts of awesome and inspiring pictures from this years Golden Daemon competition in Germany. By far […]

Forge World Previews from Games Day US 2013

games day figure 2013

The first 2013 Games Workshop Games Day, in Memphis in the US, should have concluded some time ago. I haven’t seen much in the way of coverage from people who went to the event. No Golden Demon entries yet, for example. As most people will know by know, the times when Games Workshop (the Studio) […]

3 More Titbits from the August 2013 White Dwarf

White Dwarf Cover

Games Workshop’s August 2013 White Dwarf will be hitting shops and letter boxes this weekend. The big news are, of course, new Lizardmen for Warhammer Fantasy Battle. However, those with early copies of the White Dwarf gleaned a few more interesting titbits from its pages. Here are three interesting bits: #1 – Black Legion Codex […]