The Wolf of Ash and Fire by Graham McNeill – Review

the Wolf of Ash and Fire

Until March 31st, Black Library is giving away the Graham McNeill short story The Wolf of Ash and Fire for free on iTunes. Set before the Heresy, before Ullanor, The Wolf of Ash and Fire picks up on an intriguing sentence from the Index Astartes White Dwarf article, from way back in April 2002 – […]

Blood Angels eCodex and Ordo Xenos Warlord Preview

New Codex Inquisition

More digital goodness from Games Workshop Digital Editions. Along with the second wave of Dark Elves miniatures, GW released the digital version of the Blood Angels Codex today. Also, they published a teaser preview from the upcoming Codex Inquisition: Ordo Xenos. #1 – Blood Angels Digital Codex Lots of previews of the new digital Blood […]

How to Paint Tactical Space Marines – It’s Free!

how to paint space marines

Update: The promotion is over. How to Paint Tactical Marines is now a £2.99 iBook. A favourite past-time on the internet is slamming Games Workshop for high prices. Curiously enough, Games Workshop seems to have missed the opportunity to counter that perception, even when they do actually hand out free stuff. You heard it correctly. Free […]

Space Marines iTunes Codex with Army Builder Function

New Space Marines Codex Cover

It appears that the new Space Marines Codex departs from established patterns in a few ways. For a start, the Codex (in paper) has a lot more pages, will cost 5 quid more than previous Codex books for 6th Edition 40K, and comes with a record number of 7 Limited Edition covers. On top of […]

GW’s Latest Digital Product – Warhammer Battlefields

Warhammer Battlefields Review

Today marks the release of the new Warhammer Fantasy Lizardmen. Along with the new Fantasy Army Book and Lizardmen miniatures, Games Workshop is giving another new type of digital products a try: Warhammer Battlefields. There are two of them available in the iTunes store. Warhammer Battlefields: Lustria Warhammer Battlefields: Border Wars Warhammer Battlefields from Games Worskhop […]

Eldar Codex Available for Android and Kindle

Warhammer 40K Eldar Farseer

Games Workshop’s decision to publish it’s Warhammer 40K Codex books (and Warhammer Fantasy Army books) as eBooks is still a fairly new one, all things considered. Thus far, GW’s eBook publications (as opposed to Black Library’s eBook publications) have been limited to publications for Apple devices, notably the iPad. Now, Games Workshop expanded the range […]

Star Wars Dice App by Fantasy Flight Games

Star Wars X-Wing

There are few things that are – to my mind – nearly as ingrained in the tabletop experience as the clatter of the dice. Seeing them bounce across the table, usually to knock over my minis, fall under the table or end up loop-sided in a piece of terrain with a six that doesn’t count, […]