7 Facts On The Farsight Enclaves Codex Supplement

Farsight Supplement

Today Games Workshop released both the Warhammer 40K Rulebook and the new Farsight Enclaves Supplement as digital downloads. I am still lacking an e-Reader, so I’ll probably have to wait three months or so before I get a personal look at the Farsight Enclaves Supplement. However, as people get their hands on the (digital) book, […]

A Review of Codex Iyanden

Codex Iyanden

The Iyanden Codex supplement is not easy to review. On one hand, it was far better than I feared. The background section is simply brilliant, and the tie-in missions designed to bring this background to the table-top are a stroke of genius. It’s a template I’d love to see used again. On the other hand, […]

Iyanna Arienal – The Angel of Iyanden in 40K 6th Edition

Iyanna Arienal

I’ve been paging through the Iyanden Codex (or Codex Eldar Supplement) the last day or two. It’s an easy book to hate. for reasons both good and bad, but I find it surprisingly enjoyable (which doesn’t mean there aren’t things in or about this book worth criticising). One thing particularly noteworthy, I thought, was how […]