Do You Need the Iyanden Book for an Iyanden Army?

Codex Iyanden

Do you need the Iyanden Supplement for the Eldar Codex to play an Iyanden army? To play a “fluffy” Iyanden army? To play an “effective” Iyanden army? The short answer to all three questions is: No! #1 – Five Optional Iyanden Rules I’ve had the new Iyanden Supplement for the Eldar Codex for a few […]

Rumoured Rules for the New Iyanden Craftworld Eldar

Codex Iyanden Supplement

With the release of the Eldar Codex, Games Workshop is testing new waters by releasing an additional book titled ‘Iyanden – A Codex: Eldar Supplement‘. In essence, it’s a rule and background supplement to one of the Eldar Craftworld: Iyanden. Here is what Lexicanum says about this particular Craftworld. Iyanden is an Eldar Craftworld. Once the most populated […]