Do you need the Iyanden Supplement for the Eldar Codex to play an Iyanden army? To play a “fluffy” Iyanden army? To play an “effective” Iyanden army? The short answer to all three questions is: No! #1 – Five Optional Iyanden Rules I’ve had the new Iyanden Supplement for the Eldar Codex for a few […]
Rumoured Rules for the New Iyanden Craftworld Eldar
With the release of the Eldar Codex, Games Workshop is testing new waters by releasing an additional book titled ‘Iyanden – A Codex: Eldar Supplement‘. In essence, it’s a rule and background supplement to one of the Eldar Craftworld: Iyanden. Here is what Lexicanum says about this particular Craftworld. Iyanden is an Eldar Craftworld. Once the most populated […]