Poll: The Best 6th Edition Codex for Warhammer 40K?

Warhammer 40K Poll

I recently posted a review of the Codex: Tau Empire for Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. Overall, I thought the Tau Codex is one of the better new Codexes for Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. Evidently, not everyone agrees. Which leads me to a simple question: What is – in your opinion – the best 6th Edition […]

Codex: Tau Empire – Review

Warhammer Tau Broadside Battlesuit

With all the new excitement surrounding the upcoming Farsight Enclaves Supplement, I thought I should finally sit down and write down my thoughts on the 6th Edition Tau Empire Codex. Plentiful Options or Bland Gun-Line? There seem to be more or less two opinions on the new Tau Codex out there. On one hand people […]

Tau Empire Farsight Bomb – Is This The End?

Commander Farsight Warhammer 40K Tau Empire

The Farsight Enclaves Supplement for Codex Tau is nearly upon us. Among the previews shown by Games Workshop, a suspicious line was spotted that strongly hints at a possible FoC-switch-up – to make Crisis Suits troops – that would doubtlessly change how the 40K-community thinks about Commander Farsight on the table. Time for a brief […]

Warmachine Tactics Kickstarter Goes Live

Warmachine Tactics Kickstarter

Privateer Press’ Warmachine Tactics Kickstarter is live. What’s more? It made some US$ 100.000,- in the first 10 minutes or so! At this pace, it’ll be over a million dollars before midnight! Anyhow, this is a Kickstarter as sleek and professional as they come. Have a look. #1 – Warmachine Tactics Kickstarter Video #2 – […]

One Year Of Warhammer 40K 6th Edition – A Retrospection


Oddly unnoticed (at least by me), June saw the 1st anniversary of Warhammer 40K 6th Edition!! It’s been (only? alreadly?) a year since Games Workshop released the latest new edition of their most successful miniatures wargame, which arguably happens to be the most successful miniature wargame worldwide: Warhammer 40K. Even though I am late, I thought […]

Ahriman: Exile by John French – A Book Review

Ahriman Book Review

Ahriman: Exile starts a new trilogy on one of the most famous Chaos Marine Renegades: Ahriman. Ahriman: Exile is a very well written, very well crafted book. I wasn’t 100% convinced by the central premise of this book, of bringing Ahriman down a notch or two and showing him full of doubts, weak and with […]

The July 2013 White Dwarf – A Review & Thoughts

White Dwarf July 2013 Cover

I am, at best, an infrequent White Dwarf reader. The last I picked up was the issue on Dark Angels. This weekend, I picked up the July 2013 White Dwarf on GW’s latest iteration of Warhammer 40K Apocalypse, partly because I don’t think I’ll buy the new Apocalypse 40K rulebook right away. Some basic observations: […]

Poll: Are You Buying The New Apocalypse 40K?

Warhammer 40K Apocalypse

A month has passed since my last poll on the new Eldar. Over 700 people voted (thank you!), and the new Wraithguard/Wraithblades (narrowly) turned out to be the most popular kit released. As Games Workshop is ringing the next round for Warhammer 40K, I thought I’d launch a little poll to see whether you’re going […]

A Review of Codex Iyanden

Codex Iyanden

The Iyanden Codex supplement is not easy to review. On one hand, it was far better than I feared. The background section is simply brilliant, and the tie-in missions designed to bring this background to the table-top are a stroke of genius. It’s a template I’d love to see used again. On the other hand, […]