How Do You Use Eldar Striking Scorpions?

Eldar 6th Edition Aspect Warriors Striking Scorpions

Less than two months ago, shortly after the release of the new 6th Edition Eldar Codex, I took a brief look at some of the Eldar Aspect Warriors in the latest edition of Warhammer 40K. One type of Aspect Warrior that didn’t immediately catch my attention were the Striking Scorpions. Was that an oversight (as […]

Eldar Phoenix Lords in 40K 6th Edition – Worth It?

Warhammer Eldar Phoenix Lords

As (more or less) regular readers of Pin of War will know, I am very fond of named characters. If there is one army in Warhammer 40K that always had far more of those than almost every other 40K army, it is the Eldar. One reason for this is that, in addition to “normal” Special Characters […]