Forge World Dread Saurian

Forge World New Releases

I’ve been complaining that Forge World seems to be doing nothing but Horus Heresy. I suppose I was wrong. Today, Forge World Warhammer Forge previewed the Lizardmen Dread Saurian! The Dread Saurian Thoughts? That’s a beastly lizard! Let me know what you think! Z.

Painting Lizardmen Priest Feathers In Six Easy Steps

How To Paint Lizardmen Skink Priest Feathers

The new plastic Lizardmen Skink Priest for Warhammer Fantasy is one of the most popular minis for painters at the moment. At the 2013 UK Games Day, the Golden, Silver and Bronze Demon for Warhammer Fantasy Single Miniature were all (!) won by Lizardmen Skink Priest miniatures. So the topic for this months tutorials can […]

GW’s Latest Digital Product – Warhammer Battlefields

Warhammer Battlefields Review

Today marks the release of the new Warhammer Fantasy Lizardmen. Along with the new Fantasy Army Book and Lizardmen miniatures, Games Workshop is giving another new type of digital products a try: Warhammer Battlefields. There are two of them available in the iTunes store. Warhammer Battlefields: Lustria Warhammer Battlefields: Border Wars Warhammer Battlefields from Games Worskhop […]

New Warhammer Lizardmen Available for Pre-Order

New Lizardman Rumours

Whispers, rumours and blurry pictures of the new Lizardmen for Warhammer Fantasy kept the interwebs busy the past week as early  White Dwarfs showed up near hobbyists around the world. As of today, the new Lizardmen can be seen in all their scaly glory on the GW website and in the pages of the latest […]

A Closer Look at the new Warhammer Lizardmen

White Dwarf Cover

The new Lizardmen for Warhammer Fantasy Battle are almost upon us. The first glimpse of the new models was rather blurry. Now, more and better pictures appeared on RaffazaTime. Here is a small selection of pics, which give a good idea of how this release is shaping up. #1 – Lizardmen Skink Priest First up, the […]

3 More Titbits from the August 2013 White Dwarf

White Dwarf Cover

Games Workshop’s August 2013 White Dwarf will be hitting shops and letter boxes this weekend. The big news are, of course, new Lizardmen for Warhammer Fantasy Battle. However, those with early copies of the White Dwarf gleaned a few more interesting titbits from its pages. Here are three interesting bits: #1 – Black Legion Codex […]

Brush 4 Hire Previews the New Lizardmen

New Lizardman Rumours

As you may have heard by now, Warhammer Lizardmen are coming with the next White Dwarf. Pre-orders will go up this Saturday. As it is Tuesday already, the inevitable “early” White Dwarfs are out there, and one of the first ones to get their hands on it this time around are Brush 4 Hire, who review […]

Warhammer Fantasy Lizardmen Rumours

New Lizardman Rumours

I am neither an expert on Games Workshop release rumours, nor on Warhammer Fantasy. Nevertheless, these whispers on Dakkadakka on an allegedly upcoming new release of Lizardmen for Warhammer Fantasy struck me as unusually precise, as rumours go. This may well be what we’ll see in the next White Dwarf in August 2013. Or it […]